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Downloading photos from phone

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hammerman | 07:23 Fri 05th Oct 2012 | Technology
6 Answers
Hi, technaphobe here !!!!

i have an LG A250 phone which has some photos i'd like to download onto my puter.

Ive never used the internet on a phone before....could i do this with a USB cable that goes from my phones charging jack or would that just charge the phone.

Ta muchly


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when you get the answer i will look in, as still haven't managed to load my phone pictures. Good luck.
Try this:-

You will find it easy once you that the plunge.
have bookmarked page and will have a look later.
You will find that the internet is not required for this really. Although you could email the pictures to yourself, but that really isn't the best or easiest way.
As you have the USB port all you need to do is connect the phone to the computer then decide where you want to put the photo in the computer - new folder or in an existing folder. The go to 'start' and my computer and you will find the phone drive open that and locate the fold containing the photos and open the destination folder so you have then both open and then select the photos you want to copy across.
You can use a USB cable or Bluetooth connectivities to transfer files from phone to computer
I suggest that using a usb connector will be the easiest if you are a bit unconfident. Test out the one you have by plugging it into the phone and the puter, switch on the phone, say a brief prayer to the small god of wires, then have a look at what is showing up under 'My computer'.
Ins'allah (as we say in lancashire) you will see an icon that has appeared that says something like 'LG whozamagig'. Click on this to open it, and you'll find a number of folders.
Don't be afraid about clicking on 'the wrong folder'. You need to discover which folder your photos are in and usually this means a little clicking backwards and forwards.
Once you've found your list of photos, you can click on each one or select all of them, then choose 'copy' from the toolbar (might be hidden under edit>copy).
Then navigate to 'My pictures' on your computer and choose 'paste'.

If when you connect your usb you don't see any icon appear, it might be worth planning a trip to the phone shop and asking them if you have the correct cable for this task.

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Downloading photos from phone

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