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Louise07 | 07:05 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | Technology
6 Answers
Hi there, I wonder if you could help me out with freeing up space on my laptop. I have posted the link to the question I posted yesterday, nearer the end you will see it seems that we have identified the problem and another member suggested you might the person to help me out. Thanks



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What version of Windows are you running?
One of the options in Windows is Disk Clean Up. Have you run that?

If you do run Disk Clean Up then on the main Disk Clean Up window you get a "more options" tab. Select this.

Half way down it says "System Restore and Shadow Copies".

Click the Clean Up button under that and it should delete some large Windows system files.

Now see how much space you have.
I just noticed in your other append you say you have Vista.

Unfortunately Vista has a habit of getting bigger and bigger.

But Microsoft did provide a program to delete some of the unwanted files.

You can see simple instructions on how run it here. Hope you understand them
As an extra to my append above.

In case you have never run a program like this before, when you open the "Command Prompt" window you get a "black" area in the middle.

It will show something like C:\users\yourname

Next to that you type (with no quotes)

c:\Windows\System32 \compcln.exe

Then you press enter and the program should run.

You get asked a question so you just press Y on the keyboard.

Leave the program to run till it finishes (go and make a cup of tea)

Then close the command prompt window and see how much space you now have.
Question Author
Thanks, I'll have a sit down later with laptop and have a go at your suggestions. Just dealing with the kids morning chaos at the moment!
Your best bet long term is probably going to be remove everything off the E drive, then delete the E drive and extend the C drive to use the space freed up.

The only problem with doing this is you'll have to identify exactly what is on the E drive and make sure it's not actually being used for anything. you said in your other post it's mainly pictures and itunes on there, so you'd need to find out if it's the active itunes data or just a backup. if it's just a backup then just copy it off onto something like a memory stick. similarly with the pictures, why are they on the E drive and not the C drive, if they have just been put there as a backup then they can be copied off elsewhere with no problems.

Once you are sure there is nothing on the E drive it can be removed and then the C drive made larger to make use of the free space.

(the quick and dirty way to check to see if anything on the E drive is being used would be to remove the drive letter (E) allocated to it, then restart the computer and see if there are any errors and check to see if everything like itunes still works, then if there are any problems it's easy to re-allocate the drive letter back to the partition and sort the problems out)

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