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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 13:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2556 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
00:01 Sat 01st Apr 2017
busy busy busy Jno.
I see Germany has plenty of spare vaccine because people are waiting for a better one.
We have now got heat and hot water again but poor boiler is on its last legs. I am working out how many organs i will need to sell to get it replaced.
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tooth is gone and this time I remembered to stop taking the aspirin, so not much bleeding and the mouth not too sore. I've been trying to trace the implant men I've seen before but one's moved to Harley St and doubled his fees and the other has moved to Oxfordshire somewhere. I may find they also moonlight somewhere nearer to me, dentists never seem to commit to a single location. Neither do osteopaths.
I think that's because they don't recommend the AZ one for people over 65 Woofy. It's had a bad press apparently and that coupled with the recent debacle with the EU has made people sceptical.
Just like a lot of people here the Germans also think what they read in the newspapers is the gospel truth :)
Friends in our age group are annoyed about it and being sensible people would have any vaccine offered but they can't get it.
Bet you're pleased to have hot water again. Our boiler is an old banger and I pray to the boiler god often especially when the annual service comes round and the engineer starts tutting and chewing his screwdriver.
Yes there's nothing exciting on the horizon is there Jno but I hope your medical mystery tour goes well nevertheless.
Same old here. KBO.
Yes Shaney, I don't usually make comments about the EU but I think the folk over there have been badly served by thepoliticians this time. :(
Good hunting Jno, I hop you find him.
Badly served indeed. We cant order from Amazon UK or ebay now as the tax is horrific. We can buy from Germany or Spain but they dont have the uk things that I want. We are 3rd world now and it is all very difficult
We cant do governmentttsl thi gs.o line anymore we have to go to the local offices which takes ages. It's all little stupid things which are annoying . Being and asked for papers to prove we are legal. And I guess no ne in uk has been affected at all. plus tesco cant get the goods. Bummer!
Hope mouth is ok jno. I noticed today that the Queen has a missing front tooth and I was surprised! I feel in good company!

It has affected people here Neti. Northern Ireland for one and people are being hit by huge customs and VAT bills for any goods bought from the EU.
The things I buy from the German deli have gone up in price by a third.They sell out really quickly and the shelf life on fresh stuff is shorter as it's taking them longer to get through customs.It'll hit harder when the grace period ends too.
Yes Woofy, they haven't handled it very well.Von der Leyen was a useless defence minister and people are saying she's even more useless as head of the EU.
Here endeth the lesson :)
Lovely bright day out there. Hope you're all ok .
I went illegally to my nail girls flat and had them done. Talk about cloak and dagger and thank heavens for masks. But old age told me to go to Montana's verde instead on Miramar so I drive up this very steep and windy mountain road. I thought it must be the back way as I was new to me. Twice I drove back down and up and then saw a road sign and decided I had better try the miramar apartments on top if another hill. Yes success but I was a wreck. The first mountain road was so steep and hazardous and car was shrieking (as was I). Definitely has a senior moment am not going there again and anyway we should be out of tier 3 by March 15!
So how is everyone? Jno and OH? Woofy and pup? And shaney and Mr s?
golly Neti, was it worth it? We are fine here thanks, delighted to have the heating back. Sis goes home on sunday but she is back in around 3 weeks again to get her hair done. One of the tortoises woke up today so it was all hands to the pump to clear out the spare bedroom.
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makes more sense just to grow my hair, neti, it saves me having to sweep the floor.
Afternoon all
We're fine Neti ,thank you.That sounds like a hair raising adventure.
I now have a picture in my mind of you screeching round those sort of roads in a sports car ,wearing a flowing scarf and white gloves a la Grace Kelly in To Catch a Thief.
Be careful you don't break a nail after all that :)
Lovely sunny day here although on the chilly side with the easterly wind. Hope the rest of you are all ok .
Haha shaney nothing so glamorous just an old Renault clio and a much older driver . And I was slow and then had to quicken up on the slopes. No idea of what gear I was in. I literally prayed for help as at one point I was stuck and handbrake wouldnt hold and if I went back any further it was over the edge! No idea how I managed to get out if that. 'Orrible it was!
Having a kipper for tea and English sliced bread and I cant believe its not butter ( as was reduced to 73cents) and a cuppa! Ah perfick!
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don't tell anyone but we had two visits today. One was Ophelia, who was celebrating her parents' wedding anniversary; she was very well behaved and very sweet. The other was a writer friend (the one who used to be a milliner but there's almost no market these days) who's about to have a book published, complete with front cover blurb by an Academy Award winner, so she's feeling chuffed. We were able to give some help with her hunt for a proper job too, as OH has experience in that sort of thing.

Wondering if I should go back to the dentist, though, my palate next to where the latest tooth came out is getting swollen and sore just when it should be recovering nicely..
your secret is safe with us and I am delighted that you are getting to see Ophelia....and yes go back to the dentist!
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the dentist saw me this morning and told me to take some antibiotics I already had, so that will hopefully be sorted soon. It meant I couldn't take OH to hospital, so that was the start of a bad day: went in for an iron infusion but found the nurse who drew up the prescription had forgotten to post it, so a doctor had to come in and do it but he was called to an emergency; and by now it was lunchtime so one nurse ate while the other minded the desk and neither could help... should have been done by lunch, ended up finishing at 6pm. A very long day, and now OH has to go in for more blood transfusions tomorrow as apparently last week's two haven't made any difference and the chemo can't go ahead without them. Wot a palaver.
oh dear Jno. I hope you have a better day tomorrow.

Is there such a thing as long side effects? Seriously I could sleep 24/7 right now except that I have got family members to feed.
Sis went home on sunday. she is juggling time between her home to get second vac and here which is where her hairdresser is and she is also having conversations with the passport office about getting her passport sent here because a real person has to be around to receive it and I am more likely to be at home than she is. Passport office tell you one thing on the forms but don't make it clear that the different address requirements on the form will only work if the passport holder will be there to receive the passport. If you want someone else to do it, they have to state that they will and provide proof of address which is fine only they don't tell you that....anyway I did the necessary and it will go out the door to her tomorrow, she has to send it from here house because they send an envelope which Must Be Used.

big wave to Shaney
big wave to Neti
big wave to Robi

KBO folks
I hope things go better for you and your OH tomorrow Jno.
That sounds like a palaver Woofy.Sounds as if you've got it sorted though. Sorry to hear you still have side effects.Is it from the jab do you think or are you just generally a bit tired.I didn't get any reaction at all.
My nephew rang this evening to say my brother in hospital.He's got something wrong with his kidneys and this is affecting his heart which is worrying as he's got a dicky ticker anyway. I'll know more tomorrow ...or today as it is now.
Night night all.
Oh dear buddies nit very happy reading. I do hope OH will be ok j o it must be so tiring for you both. I think you have double the amount of teeth that a person has as I have very few and you are having extractions all over the place!
Your poor bro Shaney. I hope he will be ok. I should be having a medical check as I have dodgy kidneys too but am avoiding it as it's such a bother having to phone a central office and trying to explain it all. Then waiting for mexico to phone back about 6 days later.
Woofy what a palaver re passport. Much easier over here!!
Shaney I will add your brother to my prayers.
Shaney I got side effects for the whole street 24h after getting the jab....I do tend to get flu vac side effects so not surprised just I was feeling so smug for 24h then wham. I think the tiredness is just having had a lot on my plate. We had no heating or hot water for a week, it failed on the wednesday night as I was going for my jab on thursday and the fixer man couldn't come until the following wednesday because they were striking :( We boiled kettles to wash and so on and had one heated room but I was worried about big sis who was here and it was all a bit much then the tortoises woke up and its been vie assez mouvmentee until yesterday. Sis went home on sunday (back soon though :) and the torts are up and eating.
Neti, The passport thing would have been easy peasy normally but sis commutes between here and her house and the man who delivers the passport won't put it through the mailbox, it has to go into someone's hands and it has to be the holder or named representative. The form isn't clear but sis spoke to a helpful lady and we will be all sorted when she gets the paperwork from me tomorrow fingers crossed.
That's kind of you to think of my brother Woofy. Sounds like it's a both then what with all you've had to contend with lately. Hope you're soon back to your old self.
Spoke to my bro this morning. My nephew said he has his phone with him. He's on a drip and antibiotics.The doctor say his kidneys are dry, whatever that means.It could be from the water tablets he takes 'cos they make your kidneys work overtime.As for his heart, not much they can do.He's had a damaged valve for ages which is not repairable and also atrial fibrilation so he's going to have to slow down now.Thing is he's nearly 87 and one of these old dogs you absolutely cannot teach new tricks. Only last week he was *** around lifting and rearranging paving slabs in his front garden and welding a new front gate.
They came round and asked about his situation at home and I think they're trying to arrange a care package for when he can go home but he doesn't know when that will be yet.
He sounded quite chipper though.
Big wave to you all. Keep safe and well. Night night.x
Oh dear shaney. My older bro although only 83 runs around this land sorting g everything out and wont rest. He was moving g on a ride on mower and it tipped over with him under it. They eventually found him and he had to go to hospital for a few days. My middle sis is also like that so energetic. Cant stop. Whereas due to lockdown I've really slowed down and dont even want to go out anymore!
Yes woofy DHL delivers our passports and have put in the hand although I am allowed to collect Hubbys and hijas as the drivers know me although I have to arrange to meet them elsewhere as they can't find my house ! Nothings easy is it?
Well our vaccines are coming along slowly. Waiting for a call up from next week. Pfizer or moderna. This island is at the bottom of the list. Getting 222 vaccines this Friday! It's a joke!!

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