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Weird and Wonderful Computers...

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Kingy | 23:32 Thu 05th Apr 2007 | Computers
2 Answers
Our main computer is connected to a BT Home Hub. Very succesful internet connection; no major problems.

We have a second computer in our daughters bedroom which has a wired connection. Before we had the Home Hub it worked fine, now we cannot get a connection to the internet.

I tried it with our laptop and it was fine.

When I spoke to the BT Broadband Advice Line they said that the wired connection from the main computer and hub was too long, (it's maybe 15metres long), but the laptop was more able to deal with a weak signal.

Two things strike me here.

1. Why and how are laptops better equiped to deal with weakers signals

2. Why did the old connection work and the newer doesn't?

(In addition to this, we have upgraded the computer in my daughters room - better, bigger processor; hard drive and Windows XP)


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confused, you say a weak signal, yet it is a wired network ?
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I know...I know.

BT said that because the wired connection is so long that the signal degrades.

I'm not techie, so I had to accept their response.

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