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Should countries use sporting events to make political gestures?

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AB Editor | 01:00 Wed 19th Mar 2008 | Sport
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Should countries use sporting events as a bargaining tool to try and make a political gesture? e.g. threatening to boycott China�s Olympics over problems in Tibet, and Zimbabwe�s cricket tour of England.

  • Yes, threatening to boycott something as financially lucrative as a sporting event sends a clear message. - 319 votes
  • 45%
  • No, politics and sport should not mix. There are many other ways to put pressure on governments that should be looked at. - 240 votes
  • 34%
  • It makes sense in some situations; for example an Olympic host should adhere to a certain moral code, but this would not apply to every sporting event. - 147 votes
  • 21%

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Should countries use sporting events to make political gestures?

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