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Are footballers' reactions acceptable?

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AB Editor | 01:00 Mon 26th Feb 2007 | Sport
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Is it acceptable for professional, highly paid, footballers to react in such an extreme way?

  • No, they are paid a massive amount of money and are treated like royalty. The least you should expect would be some restrain and professionalism on the pitch. - 16 votes
  • 47%
  • Yes, it was simply the culmination of an afternoon of frustration for two teams desperately wanting to win. It is simply the passion of the game boiling over. - 9 votes
  • 26%
  • It was a cup final and the stakes were high, however the players should be able to control their emotions on the pitch. So understandable, but not necessarily acceptable - 9 votes
  • 26%

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Are footballers' reactions acceptable?

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