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Do LIbdem supporters expect too much?

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R1Geezer | 13:57 Fri 07th Jan 2011 | News
5 Answers
The only way the Libdems were ever going to get some power was by some sort of coalition with either the Tories or Labour. Now the realities of power are dawning, namely that you have to compromise and react to actual conditions, are the Libdems supporters finding the whole thing rather dissapointing? Do they once again yearn for the days when they could support their party in promising the earth in the knowledge that they are unlikely to ever have to deliver? In short are the Lib Dem faithful finding having some power rather inconvenient to their ideology?


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With a bit of luck they will no longer exist at the next election
Lib Dem supporters tend to be left leaning. They attracted many new members when Blair made the Labour Party a mark II Conservative Party.

Those people gave the LibDems their members of Parliament. They do not expect or want those MPs to join a Government with the Conservatives. They do not want the Party they voted for rip up their manifesto promises and in a few instances, do the exact opposite.

They do not want power at all costs unlike Clegg. And they are bleating because the LibDems are looking at electoral oblivion. There is already talk of a merger with the Tories.

To repeat, no LibDem supporters expectations are not too great.

And many Tories are unhappy with the lefty Libs influence on the Conservative leadership.
Precisely. Most Tories hold their noses at the thought of the Libs. It will shortly end in tears, but from the Libs, not the Tories.
They should conduct themselves as that old saying about children:

"Seen but not heard."
The Lib/dem supporters believed their nonsense for years and are now having to face reality . They are unilateralists which would have left us defenceless in a hostile world . Their conferences were made up of a mixed bag of do-gooders .
They wanted free university education for all, irrespective of the students ability or the country's ability to pay for it . They wanted us to join Europe without any reservations . They wanted free access to this country for anybody with a hard luck story.
To say they were left of labour is an understatement . There is not another party who holds their views . Their leaders went along with these ideas for years in order to have a party that was different from the other two. Neither the Libs or the Dems could make it on their own nor when they joined together to make LibDems and neither will they do it as Lib/Cons , maybe they could try ConDems it's worth a try.

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