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tinkerbell23 | 00:18 Sat 11th Dec 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
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No such thing.

There's also no such thing as;

The afterlife
The troll under the bridge
Fairies at the bottom of the garden

I've had several dreams that in hindsight were prophetic but I've also had millions of dreams that meant nothing so I just put it down to coincidence.
Telepathy is something else again and my mother and I could will the other to phone.
Coincidence - telepathy doesn't exist either.
Flip flop, I don't believe that anyone can in all honesty say that none of the things you've listed exist. We can say we doubt it, but the truth is we really don't know.
Naomi, we've been here before, haven't we? Something isn't understood ergo it doesn't exist. There's no reasoning with closed minds.
Yes Tigerlelly, we have indeed. :o)
Naomi, I think that was probably just a bit of coincedence. It is December after all, I bet there are people looking up how to spell frankincense all the time.

That's not to say I don't believe in it though, lots of strange things happen to me but I always try to find a logical explanation first.
Milly, I was joking. :o)
ha ha, oooopps!
You call it a closed mind - fair enough - I call it rational common sense.
flip-flop, then why are the US and Russian intelligence services spending millions on research into telepathy?
Flip Flop, when you don't know if something exists or not how can blanket denial be rational common sense? The only rational thing that anyone can possibly say is that they don't know - because they don't.
I said I'd shut up on this site but now that so many others have ignored tink's plea that we avoid being 'negative' (i.e factual and rational) I reckon I'm free to rejoin.

Yes, tigerlelly, naomi and flip_flop, we have certainly been here before - witnessing the gulf between those who advocate an open mind on a wide range of unsupportable things and those who favour analysis and a proper use of discrimination.

The trouble about the 'open mind at all costs' idea is that anyone can moot anything, no matter how absurd, far-fetched, and weird, and all the rest of us are obliged to be open-minded about it unless we can disprove it. Well, I'm sorry, but I am not prepared to keep an open mind about the existence of Santa, fairies and the rest.
To say "This makes no sense, it defies all logic and natural laws, there is not an atom of evidence to support it, therefore it is rational to dismiss it until the situation changes and evidence appears" is logical and sensible. Alleged psychics can be so described and dismissed.

Having brains which can reason is the huge advantage evolution has given us over the other animals. Not to use them is a waste.
its getting to serious now,,my wifes a medium it says it on her knickers♥♥♥
Naomi, simply because by no stretch of the imagination can I accept that such things as telepathy, psychic ability, telekinesis etc... exist. In my book they are right up there with the existence of god - an equally absurd idea.

I will believe in these things if they are proven - but I won't be holding my breath
I think I can connect to something :-S
Chakka, I don't believe anyone has suggested keeping an open mind 'at all costs', but if millions of people claim to have experienced that which you haven't, then rather than imply they are stupid, deluded or even mistaken, which by your blanket condemnation is precisely what you are doing, the sensible thing would be to listen to them - and to keep an open mind. Anything else would be arrogant in the extreme, because ultimately the fact is you don't know.

Flip Flop, I wouldn't associate any of those things with the concept of God. That would be illogical.
I'm not associating them with god - I'm saying I find them as equally unbelievable as god.

They are entirely separate but, in my view, equally unbelievable.
So what do you say to people who claim to have seen ghosts, or claim to have experienced other unaccountable phenomena?
I've never spoken to anybody who has claimed they've seen a ghost, but if I had, I wouldn't've believed them.

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