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Atheist Confusion?

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Theland | 15:46 Sun 23rd Aug 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
174 Answers
Its about time the AB atheists had a big fat believer to sink their teeth into, and tear to shreds, all red in tooth and claw.
Like fox hunting, it is an acceptable blood sport :-)

So, Richard Dawkins has stated that the universe is simply blind indifference, (paraphrased), that we simply dance to the demands of our DNA.

Yet he has said that science has put men on the moon, yet evil religion flies planes into towers.

Do you see the inconsistency?

This raises questions about morality, and maybe, just maybe, we could discuss it without spilling too much blood, burning too many martyrs, or sending hate mail?
(But just in case I shall be wearing full body armour and a crash helmet :-)


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Theland, you do dodge questions, you do preach, you do obfuscate, you do flounce - and again you’re playing the victim. You have no valid cause for complaint.
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Naomi, you bluff.
If you have any knowledge of the bible, you will know the promises and threats He made to the Jews.
The history of the Jews and Israel is precisely what the bible said it would be.
Sadly, your atheism blinds you to the truth.
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Weak. Obviously written by an atheist with an agenda.
Same question to you as I asked Nailit.
What are you trying to achieve?
Not weak. Simple logic. The prophecies weren't fulfilled.

I've answered your question several times. How about you answer it? What are you trying to achieve, Theland?
Question Author
Me? I'm not trying to achieve anything.
I'm simply interested in answers to the big questions.
None forthcoming though.
That's because there are no answers. There are theories. there are guesses ... but there are no answers. The question is futile.
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Oh come on! Have a go!
You want me to guess just like you guess? No thanks. I'd rather tell the truth and say I don't know.
Question Author
Then investigate the mind of God.
What are we discovering in science?
E8 Crystal lattice, is must the tip of the iceberg, consciousness is a mystery, reality depends on it, a mind to make reality real.
It goes on and on and never ever contradicts what the Bible says, '' In the beginning God created .........''
//Then investigate the mind of God. //

Show me definitive proof of its existence and I'll think about it.
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Quantum Field Theory is discovering, (oh this is such a huge subject, just a few sound bites will not suffice, but I'll try, hopefully without making a fool of myself),how reality is linked to consciousness.

(Will get back to this - son and his wife arrived).
Goodlife; any response to my post at 15;41 24 august?
Theland, please don’t trouble yourself with all that. It doesn’t constitute definitive proof for the existence of God. If it did it would have made world headlines.
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In other words, reality depends on a conscious observer.
This is easily demonstrated with the double slit experiment where the simple act of observation effects the outcome.
Taking this many many steps further and it is theorised that the whole of our reality is also dependent on such a conscious observer. But who or what could that be?
Sean Carroll, physicist and mathematician has theorised that the ultimate origin is a void permeated with infinite non description fields, each with the potential to collapse into a sub atomic particle. But how? By observation?
A weakness in his theory is the void, a multi dimensional, ''space,'' but any kind of space or void with dimensions holds the potential to contain something within it, and so this is not nothing. But it is a work in progress.
The fact of the importance of observation remains, combined with the mystery of consciousness, which we experience from our brain, but does not exist in any part of the brain that can be identified.
Other quantum field theorists have slightly differing approaches, but they now know they are dealing with the non physical.
I'll leave it there for now.

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''Scientists Discover God.''
No, God controls everything and would never allow a casual researcher to take a short cut through His plans.
I imagine my post at 22:32 arrived when you were in full flow of composition, Theland. Shame you wasted your time.
//God controls everything and would never allow a casual researcher to take a short cut through His plans.//

And you know this
Actually Theland, don't bother to answer that. The bottom line is you don't know that and you have no proof that God exists. Now we can all go to bed content.

Night night.
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Sadly, in this life, God wants you to say, ''Thy will be done.''
But many insist on their will being done.
On the other side of the grave, God, who is entirely fair and gives is free choice, will respect that choice, and say, ''Thy will be done.''
So they will exist apart from God.
That is hell.

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