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Aren't you cold?

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KittyGlitter | 15:15 Sun 14th Nov 2004 | People & Places
13 Answers

Last night I was out on the town and I noticed a number of men walking outside with just short sleeved shirts and no coat. Why do men do this? Are you trying to prove you're manly and don't need a coat? A know that women do it to save money on cloakroom charges which I still think is crazy! Brrrr!



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yh wot of it... when your drunk you dont notice the cole (ie on your way home) and it reeeli isnt all that cold before hand anyway
We had the gritter lorries out around here last night & a roaring coal fire going. - Perhaps these blokes are just trying to be well hard.

It's a pain in the @rse having a jacket on a pub crawl

Yep, lugging your coat around is a pain - and when youre half cut later, often leave it somewhere anyway !.
men always think they r hard by sayin they arent cold. but if they dont have a jacket, how are they going to wrap it around their woman to keep her warm?
Give her extra chilli sauce on her kebab!

 Here in newcastle hardly anyone wears a coat when they go out,men and women ,  whatever the weather!


I used to go out with the skimpiest of clothing on  and never bothered to take a coat with me but then i grew up! and never go out with one, I dont care that I have to pay cloakroom charges as long as Im warm when Im waiting for a taxi while the rest of the 'hard nuts' freeze theirs off !!

It's a fashion statement I guess. They do run the risk of catching pneumonia, etc.. and alcohol does thin the blood to such a degree that hypothermia can set in.

I've seen young women walking around in skimpy tops with their boobs on display, their stomache showing, and micro minis that look like a belt.. showing legs right up to their asses. How on earth their knickers don't show is a mystery (I have looked LOL). Although they're pleasing to the eye, it does make me shiver thinking how cold they must be.

my boyfriend wont wear ajacket regardless of whether hes drinking or not, i think it is a macho thing, even though he is totally blue and shivering!

i remember once when i was younger (am very old now at 19!) and used to go to the under 18s clubs it was a few days before xmas, totally freeeeezing, snowing and i had the smallest dress known to man on, and STILL didnt take a jacket so i wouldnt have to pay to hand it in at the cloakroom, how times have changed, out on fri night with jeans, jumper, boots, jacket and gloves - just in case!!


i often see girls out on the town at night with no coat and in vests and short skirts. The men are always in shirt sleeves too. not so bad when it's summer, but in the middle of winter i don't know how they do it. i'm wrapped up in my coat and scarf still shivering!!
They aren't as funny as the slippers (change one letter) stumbling round in their bra, knickers and not much else (actually usually not even the bra, or the knickers) on a nornal Saturday night.
KittyGlitter, don't any of your female friends go out in the cold with skirts up to their backsides and skimmy tops.
The girls in my neck of the woods walk round shivering, dressed like they would on an Ibiza holiday. 
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No, we're far too classy for that - we prefer to strip off indoors! After nearly getting hypothermia one cold November evening, wearing only a chinese style dress, I vowed always to wrap up nice and warm :o)

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