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The Daily Mail

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flip-flop | 10:07 Fri 13th Jan 2006 | People & Places
23 Answers
I've seen an awful lot of posters refer to 'Daily Mail' readers on this forgive my ignorance, but what does this mean???


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The Daily Mail is a fairly right wing paper, and it has a reputation for reporting certain types of stories with a negative slant in order to produce outrage. It is said to have a predominantly white, middle class, elderly readership mainly based in Middle England.

In actual fact, most people who read the daily mail were commuters who chose it because it was the most intelligent of the tabloids and the high brow papers were too difficult to cope with on a crowded train carriage as the paper was too large.

Since the Indy and the Tmes have produced tabloid versions I think the perhaps DM circulation has gone down a bit as far as commuters are concerned.

The Daily Mail is a somewhat right-wing, tabloid newspaper, typically representative of 'Middle England'. It is not your 'red-top' tabloid, but it isn't a 'quality' (formerly known as broadsheet) paper either, though it has pretensions of being one.

IF, (note I said if ), a particular reader's views concurred exactly with that of the paper, and they believed everything that appeared in print they would think that;

  • Tony Blair is the anti-christ and that Conservatism will be the saviour of the nation (ie England. Wales and Scotland are just minor outposts of England, but are nice to visit for a luxury weekend break.)

  • All working class people (especially from urban areas) are either drug addicts, dole scroungers or just scum in general.

  • An Englishman's home is his castle and one should be able to defend it even if it means blasting someone in the back with a shotgun.

  • Cars (especially 4x4's) are a good thing in the urban environment and good for taking children to school, as your 2.4 children will then be safe from paedophiles, immigrants and gypsies who will pounce on them given the slightest opportunity.

  • Sugar / alcohol / caffeine / eggs are good/bad for you and can cause/help fight cancer according to whichever scaremongering article (based on a complete misinterpretation of the piece of scientific research it is based on), is published that week.

  • All Labour Councils are 'loony-left', ultra PC and have banned English flags / Christmas / Nativity Plays etc. etc.

  • Drink drivers are binge drinking yobs who think it's ok to drive after downing 17 pints - whereas I only have a glass of wine and a couple of whiskies at the golf club before driving home.


  • Capitalism and the Market Economy are good things, however, oil companies, energy companies and BT are not allowed to make a profit, as this is obscene.

  • Did I mention gypsies?

  • Since some terrorists are Muslims, then all Muslims are terrorists.

  • Similarly, since paedophiles are sex offenders, then all sex offenders are paedophiles.

  • All English people on trial / imprisoned abroad are automatically innocent / wrongly imprisoned. (Unless, of course they are a paedophile)

  • Princess Diana was lovely, and should be remembered on a daily basis.

  • ID cards, compulsory DNA testing and biometric passports are a good thing, but speed cameras are an infringement of my Civil Liberties.

  • Did I mention immigrants?

  • Disasters (natural or otherwise) are terrible, especially when two English tourists are among the 50,000 dead.

  • These gay ******* weddings should be banned.

  • The market value of your house should be checked daily. Any negative movement should be blamed on the nearest gypsy site / wind farm / bail hostel / immigrant / road construction scheme.

  • We need more roads, but they shouldn't be built near me and I shouldn't have to pay to drive on them.

  • Think of the children.

Brachiopod - excellent. I think you've covered it all - but you should have mentioned asylum seekeers, gypsies and illegal immigrants (because some immigrants are illegal it therefore follows that all immigrants are illegal).

Oh, and did you mention immigrants are OK... if they are white South Africans who can run fast?

Brachiopod: brilliant (as usual)!
So you have met my parents then Brachiopod !
Brilliant.......funniest thing I've read for ages!
brachiopod.That was where did i put me daily mail...well I need something to hide me daily sport in...(:)(
I think ursula62's post just about covers it, brachiopod, a very accurate post, but I think all the different things you've covered, were also covered in other papers as well, maybe with a different slant, but they were there. (as a D.M reader, I have to defend it).
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Next Week....


What it means to be a Sun reader.

PLUS - FREE DVD for every poster !!!

Oh good......I for one, can hardly wait!

Brachiopod - can you wait a weeek until I collect all the tokens for the �9.50 Sun Holiday ;o)

Thanks for making me laugh.


"Daily Mail Reader" "Bush Voter"

Luceononuro, I think Bush would be too liberal for most DM readers. After all, he's not trying to chuck out all those Mexican and Cuban immigrants.

Perhaps Pat Robertson voters would be more accurate.
Love it Brachiopod!! Ho ho ! They should give the DM readers tokens to collect - free holiday for 1 miserable git (per person) with just 47 and a half tokens starting today in the DAILY MAIL. Holiday must be taken for most of the year and to outer Mongolia.

Lonnie - the whole point is the slant.

For example, all the other papers around at the time covered the Blackshirts, but only the Mail supported them....


the blackshirts were around and dismissed over 70 years ago, please come into the 21st century, (the Daily Mail has).

I heard all the same things at Uni doing my History (Hons) Degree, Im a relatively intelligent person and I read the Daily Mail (you can call it the Hate Mail), all the other "newspapers" seem to resemble comics


Im a middle class white collar Scot living in middle England.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! Can we have an equivalent newspaper for those of us who are loony lefty liberal do-gooders?

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