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Gadget Shop contact problems

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sammd | 23:32 Fri 13th Jan 2006 | Shopping & Style
4 Answers
Has anyone else had problems trying to contact the Gadget Shop website customer services? They give a phone number which doesn't appear to work (it goes to a recorded message, says you're waiting in a queue then cuts you off) and they don't answer emails. I know the shops have shut down but they should be replying to customers who have bought things off the website.


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If attempts to contact fail, why not try contacting its parent company

I thought the Gadget Shop had gone bust but I may be wrong, it maybe just our local stores that have closed down.
"Gadgetshop was founded in 1991 by Jonathan Elvidge and quickly acquired a reputation for stocking the most unusual, innovative and original range of gadgets and gizmos.

2005 saw The Gadget Shop go into administration and the company name was purchased by The Entertainer Group... (which) relaunched a revitalised gadgetshop product range in September 2005 in a new website and catalogue format."
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kempie - thanks for the above. I read that page before i ordered off the website and also checked they had a returns policy, etc. and contact details for the new website. I may try contacting the Entertainer group however, as they are either not running a customer services dept through the Gadget Shop website or they are ignoring me as i want to return a faulty item.

Jules001 - the shops have shut but the website is still running.

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