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Present for dad who wants nothing!

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LondonGyrl | 11:29 Wed 20th Dec 2006 | Christmas
14 Answers
I don't know what to get for my dad for Christmas this year. It's his 70th Birthday on January 4th, and I'm getting him a bottle and chocolate for that.

The thing is, he doesn't actually want anything, and just likes to live a quiet frugal existance in the normal way.

His interests are local history, walking, and reading.



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hi there, it was my nans 90th last april and i got her the paper on the day on which she was born in 1916 and she absolutely loved it. it was the daily mirror and if you want it to it can come in a leather folder.
Question Author
That's a really cool idea, as his birthday's so close to Christmas. I'll bear that in mind. Thanks!
also they do a video of the year that you were born,but not sure if it goes back to 1937.try wh smith
Dads never want anything, I always get the 'just a card love' answer.
Would your dad like a talking book? good for car journeys, ipods, or just afternoon/evening listening......
Question Author
A talking book is a good idea. I don't think he's ever heard an an i-pod(!), but he can do cassettes and CDs. Thanks for your help - I could look on the Waterstones website.
hehe :-) my dad's nearly 70 and he downloads books and music for his i-pod. me? haven't got a clue what they even look like!!!

Give him a copy of the current best selling book. "The Dangerous Book for Boys" so he can relive all the exiciting games and tricks he did in his youth. Somebody has just given my husband a copy for Christmas, so it's not just for "little" boys.
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Yes, but unfortunately I'm giving one of those to my nephew! Great idea though, thanks!
My Dad's the same. I think it's just what Dad's do! Mine is interested in history too and I got him these first two books as stocking fillers last year (Not actually from me - from the cat and dog) and he really enjoyed them. Lots of silly facts. And the third is this years stocking filler from the pets again. ervicemen-France-1944/dp/1851243356/ref=pd_bxg y_b_img_b/026-0725249-7072453 Servicemen-Britain-1942/dp/1851240853/ref=pd_b xgy_b_img_b/026-0725249-7072453 bell-McCutcheon/dp/0752438875/sr=1-1/qid=11666 20721/ref=sr_1_1/026-0725249-7072453?ie=UTF8&s =books

And if he's mastered the DVD player (unlike my mother) he might like this. -Disc-Box/dp/B00005UP86/sr=1-1/qid=1166620924/ ref=sr_1_1/026-0725249-7072453?ie=UTF8&s=dvd

Good luck. And when in doubt always get something you think he should have and should use. So my Dad always get some smart socks and new hankies. Saying that I did get him a Jack Russell puppy last year...
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Thanks very much for those suggestions. I particularly like the Home Guard manual - I think he'd be really interested in that.

I'm afraid my parents are in the dark ages, and don't have a DVD player yet!
A pleasure. I know how hard it is.

I'm having the same problem with my sister... Roll on 26th!
My dad is 75 and I am in a similar position to you. So I bought him a digital weather station from Comet �14.99. He is always moaning about the weather or not knowing what its going to do so now he can predict it himself!!!!! sku=347256
How about a gift card from his favorite book store? That way, he can choose the ones he wants himself.
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That's a cool idea! It would really annoy my Mum as well, as she thinks he has too many books already!

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Present for dad who wants nothing!

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