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New Quizzes & Quiz Questions

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DSJ | 19:16 Mon 02nd Nov 2009 | Site Suggestions
7 Answers
Please can we have a separate section for New Quizzes? There are now so many queries about quizzes that the New Quizzes disappear into oblivion rapidly. So let's have one section for NEW QUIZZES AVAILABLE and another for QUIZ QUERIES. Many thanks.


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What about a "Quiz News" section? Maybe there the articles tab is?

All the best,

Spare Ed
Question Author
Good idea, Ed.
Righto, On the list it goes.

Do you think we'd need to make it only editable for those who run the quizzes? Maybe leave it as a free for all?

Where do you get your quiz news currently?

Spare Ed
Question Author
Thanks for replying so quickly. Under the heading QUIZZES & PUZZLES, we need two separate sections; one for those trying to advertise new quizzes for sale & one for those seeking help to solve a quiz they are already working on.

Now that the site has become so popular, quizzes advertised for sale are soon disappearing amongst the mass of queries from ABers requesting help in solving quizzes. For people like myself who compile fund-raising quizzes & post them here, this means that we have to keep on re-posting to make sure our own particular quiz is kept to the fore.

In answer to your question, I also advertise my quizzes on the Fundraising Quizzes website.

For my last fund-raising quiz, which closed in March of this year, thanks to AB I received applications from all over the UK and was able to sell 984 sheets at £1 each. About half of these went to ABers. I had not then discovered the Fundraising Quizzes website.
Okay, So maybe a separate submission form where you can advertise your quizzes. Okay. I will have a think!

All the best,

Spare Ed
Question Author
Many thanks.
Question Author
I'm wondering if you've had a chance to consider my question? I really think it would be a good idea to have a separate QUIZZES FOR SALE (or QUIZZES AVAILABLE) section as well as a QUIZ QUERIES section.

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