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dt 25776

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nikkimcd | 15:27 Mon 17th Nov 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
25 across Neat present for daughter (8) I have ??R?F??D The first letter might be an 'H' but I haven't decided if 22 down Principle feature of a vault (4) is Arch (I have the A)

thanks for any help!!
p.s. could you also explain how you got to the answer? thank you


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25a Here for D = Hereford...which is a cow (neat)
25a Here for d - neat = cattle
22a yes
Question Author
thank you so much am learning the ropes of the cryptic crossword and haven't heard the neat/cattle connection so that's something to add to my list

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dt 25776

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