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dt 35684

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nikkimcd | 13:07 Fri 01st Aug 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
having had a tremendous start I have come to a grinding halt and have been stuck for about an hour.

can anyone help to get me going?
10 a ?a?n????? Mum at home stops people being big supporters
24d ???m?? Miner who gave a hand to secretaries?

these two are bugging me the most so far
thank you!


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Question Author
ah you see I came up with these but couldn't work out why they fit with the clue. Can you explain for me? thank you very much
Oh surely.

Mum = MA
At home = IN
Stops = STAYS
Big Supporters = MAINSTAYS

Pitman is shorthand for secretaries.
Question Author
thanks so much
You are welcome.

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dt 35684

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