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KM Links Game - July week 2 Results

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seekeerz | 05:18 Mon 16th Jul 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
OK I know it's early but I have to go out later and see my dentist, so I'll post this for our early riser and solver to use to lodge the matches and when I return from having my face 'mauled' I'll get busy and post the results.

ps who told Aquagility he could nick off again !! thought he'd had enough of getting drenched to see him for a while


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That Aquagility is a bit of a rogue ... where is he now???

Hope you have survived the dreaded dentist Steff .....

Links today are as follows:


I really can't believe I overlooked that single malt ... off to drown my sorrows now!! lol (S) ☺
Good luck at the dentists seekeerz!

I think that the answers are

single malt
cottage industry
red tape
name sake

I have limped along with my usual 1 corrrect. You are a tricky lass, Kate.
Question Author

thanks for the good wishes, guys - I have survived but back tomorrow for more torment !!!

just quietly, am shocked and amazed at you missing Single Malt, (S) - too much holidaying obviously, but more shocked and amazed that I seem to have got two correct - wonders will never cease.

Will now go and score and see where we're at !!
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And another interesting weekend was had by all !!! - well at least I think so. For a while there it looks as if Kate was being a bit too obscure for our own good.

lysander started proceedings off with Cottage Industry, but found he was hotly pursued under the two minute rule by slaney, Grenmus & seekeerz<b/> who then made a pig of herself by going for the Single Malt

cliffyg then came in with the Red Tape which no-one else selected, and then there was a long gap until at 13.23 Meadow Lanebobbed up with Name Sake
and the last of the bonus points for the morning.

Of the correct matches, Christiana made good use of the computer when she got to it, with three correct,
patchett picked two, and JimJools, crofter, rogerr, gen2, lloyd1e, the O-ices, masterchef, ShazzaHewat, Arabesque, cheshunt & keyboardix all picked up a point each.

So at this early stage of the month slaney leads the field with a clear 6 points.

Congratulations to everyone and we'll look forward to seeing how next weekend pans out - bye for now, S
Question Author

Oh dear, showing off again, it'll get me into trouble every time.

sorry bout that, I'm afraid we'll just have to put up with bold - can't undo - will skulk off and hide
Thanks for scoring for us all Seekeerz - not that I'm troubling your accountancy skills, yet again!

And congratulations to Cliffyg for taking on the Red Tape: I know you say in your preamble that the links could be any number of letters, but I guess we've (nearly) all thought that they'll be between 4 & 8 - as Michael Mepham restricted his own links to. Now that Kate has actually used a 3 letter word it's opened up whole new avenues for us to explore !
But as if by magic it's gone Steff !! .. Thanks for keeping this game going, and well done to all who scored points .. I managed my usual no score ... but am I bovverred ? You bet I am!!! :o)
I got one - Single malt - I am surprised at you sarumite. Well better tham the MM links. Thanks Steff for scoring and I hope you survive your dentist tomorrow (I hate going to the dentist). Jools
Having got to the computer so late yesterday, I was surprised to get three right. Am now wondering if leisurely and thoughtful is better than quick, quick. On the other hand doubling up on your score if you're first with the answer really does seem the best strategy. Congrats. to all the scorers, especially Slaney for leading the field.
Well done slaney and to everyone else who got a correct link this weekend. Big fat zero again for me - but will try harder next week.
Thanks seekeerz, and good luck for tomorrow.

This somewhat makes up for the complete failure of my cunning plan to Wi-Fi myself into Christiana's thought processes!

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KM Links Game - July week 2 Results

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