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crofter | 21:31 Mon 26th Mar 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
69 Answers
I have just returned home to find the reason that sarumite had trouble delivering the Link Words this morning is that he had had his access suspended because he has been "acting against the Answerbank rules".

I would like to go on record as thanking him for his continued support in providing me with quiz questions for my local cricket club, for volunteering to replace me in the MM Links Games should I ever go AWOL, for his commitment to AB in the past in answering questions, for his infectious sense of humour but above all for being the complete gentleman.

If he is not reinstated, then I feel that AB will have lost a true ambassador of the highest quality.


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I will add my voice to the support for Sarumite.

It is an even harder blow for sarumite since by being a respectable (and respected) member of AB he has been following the rules and of course doesn't have a reserve alias as a standby. Let's hope for a speedy resolution to this crisis - countries have gone to war over less!

Good on you Christiana! and agree with gen2.
What a crime to be guilty of...honesty, politeness, humour and total respectability...a bad person???..think not! Don't think being on here has made me so incensed!!!!
Will now post link to this posting to ed....don't wake up!!!
Have again e-mailed editor, and sent link to this posting, and asked for an answer to be posted on here for us!
Now don't get too excited!!
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Look at this from another angle. I had serious doubts as to whether this posting would be allowed to go public. It could have been easily censored ~ but it was NOT!

As with any good democracy, we have made ours feelings known and have been allowed to express our strong views. I am positive that they will not have fallen on deaf ears. Now let events take their course!

When rules become too formulaic, then the innocent can fall victim! Let the rules be applied in the right spirit ~ the spirit that is Answerbank and personified in people like sarumite! you think they have really read this? Hope so. If that is the case let's hope you are right! Let's hope now that commonsense prevails, and there is a resumption to normal marmite sarnies! ...and that we have been listened to!
Pauline x
Off to bed now...hopefully Sarumite will be back and up before me tomorrow!!!
Just come in from babysitting to read the news about sarumite.He has always been so helpful and friendly to me I really can't believe it. My computer skills arent great but I will e mail editor too, meanwhile Sarumite if you read this everyone is waiting for your return. Keep smiling in the New Forest ( i remembered) Luv Evsajo (Kay)

Have just logged on and am sitting here catching flies - what ever is going on on AB ??

sarumite banned- what on earth for ???

this is plain ridiculous - all he does, all he's ever done, has been to provide help, answers and advice in his own inimitably gentlemanly habit, with care and humour thrown in, because that's the person he is.

I do hope that common sense can be brought to bear very quickly and sarumite reinstated immediately or we might all as well go home !!
Just signed on and read the 'nonsense' re Sarumite.
I think the rules should be clearly explained to us all and the reasons for them as I can see no reason at all for the three answers in five minutes ruling. If we don't know the rules, how can we follow them? And if the rule is as stupid as that one sounds then it certainly needs a commonsense explanation.
On a personal note. Sarumite is, in my humble opinion, a great gentleman whose help is always available and it's given with an unseen smile and always with good grace and humour. I haven't visited other sites so don't know what actually goes on there, but there was quite recently the most stupid question I have ever read posted on our site and the general tone of the replies was 'They can't get rid of us now, they can't find us,' etc and it went on for over a hundred or so answers. I kept checking on it because it obviously didn't belong on Quizzes and Puzzles, but it stayed on and on for days and was never censored. Why was this allowed and a 'star' (in every sense of the word) of P & Q is being censored for helping his buddies?
Sometimes rules are made to be broken and it's about time the editor broke this one into a thousand little pieces. Leave us alone. We are all adults and can monitor ourselves.
I'll add my voice to those of you who have contacted the editor and will also send a personal message to Sarumite.
I'm fairly new to the site but quickly realised what a smashing person sarumite was. How can t'hey ' think of banning someone like him? I cannot believe it. I've sen posts that have been quite rude and impolite but they remain - there is no justice. I once went on a cpuple of the other categories and got a bit of a shock. Like all of you I will email the ed and also say - Bring back sarumite
Bring him back! How can you punish someone for being too helpful?
I have just signed on to find out that sarumite has been banned, this is disgraceful, as he is always so helpful.
Sarumite has my full support.
Looking forward to your prompt return.

AB please reinstate Sarumite, he is our friend and we need him. I am sure he did not mean to offend or break your rules, pls give him another chance, we all love him.
AB please re-instate Sarumite, I am sure he did not mean to offend and he is soooo helpful to us "strugglers", we all miss him and love him. Have a heart and let him back into the fold please.
Has anyone had a reply from the ED yet? I haven't.
Just found this thread and am shocked about the 5 minute ruling. First I knew of it. I am sure many of us have nearly (unwittingly) fallen foul of that one in the past. Time the rule was changed. 3 in 5 is ridiculous.

We should demand a change in the rule, not just getting S back - which of course goes without saying.
Agree with all that has been said previously.Let the rules be applied with common sense, not with blind obedience
Just to say how much I really do appreciate the level of support you have all afforded me.

I do not expect this post to be accepted, but thought it worth a try! (S)
have only just logged on and have found the disgusting way that Samurite has been treated, if this rule is to be enforced some others should be looking over their shoulders, they will be sending us to the salt mines next, lets get this sorted out.
The silence from AB is deafening

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