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Mephisto Solvers

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ShamrockBlue | 16:47 Fri 24th Nov 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
Not a crossword question as such, but I was just curious to know if those of you who do the Mephisto crossword had a preference ( or any observations really ) for any of the three regular setters ?

I've only been doing this crossword for a couple of years now, and the first one I managed to complete was a 'Chris Feetenby', second Tim Moorey, and finally after quite a while a ' Mike Laws.'

I still particularly enjoy Chris Feetenby's clues, because although challenging, I get a sense of a benign hand guiding the solver. When I read recently that he was a retired schoolteacher it somehow made sense.

I don't mean to imply any criticism of any of the three setters , quite the reverse,but would love to hear AB'ers thoughts and observations.



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My experience is that of the three compilers you cite Chris Feetenby sets the easiest puzzles by far. This last Sunday's one for instance was not ,by a long way, an 'advanced' puzzle .
Tim Moorey on the other hand sets a stiffer challenge but reasonably straightforward. With Mike Laws I find that lateral thinking is needed and often I have an answer and it takes me sometime to relate it to the clue.
All enjoyable although I prefer the Azed and Beelzebub.
Cheers K
Of the three Mephisto setters, I like Tim Moorey's the best. Although he is not always the hardest, he adds a nice dash of humour. He is a great Azed admirer, and features regularly in the Azed monthly clue-writing comps. He apparently also has the pseudonym Owzat, altho I've not set eyes on an Owzat crossword. Like K, Azed would be my choice before the Mephisto if pushed - it does require more work and (for me) demands a nearby Chambers.
Could I also add, that my eyes light up when I see that the Guardian Saturday prize puzzle is an Araucaria.
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Thank you both for your responses, I also enjoy the AZED on the occasional days when i'm feeling bright ! ( not so often then).
Perhaps the one thing I regret about discovering the Answer Bank among many positives, is the temptation to ask for answers on clues i'm stumped on from time to time, rather than " living with the clue " for a day or so and having the answer descend into the brain in some magical way. Which is very rewarding
But that's a criticism of myself and not AB really.

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