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anotheoldgit | 14:20 Mon 10th Jul 2006 | News
12 Answers
Should we Hug a Hoodie? I wonder if David Cameron wears one when he's out on his bike?


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Not round here we should'nt.
I know what I would like to do with them and hugging is way down the list.
only around His neck
I'd like to see him approach one, and ask for a hug, it'd make a good news story.
on a serious note here, my 15 year old son started t wear hoodies a year ago,to try to "fit in" with the rest of the sheep! then i think it dawned on him people could possibly think he was a bit of a yob-his words not mine and he doesnt wear them at all now unless hes slobbin at home. I think it is just a fashion thing with some kids they eventually grow out of.but some hoodies are really expensive lookin like the lovely billabong ones ,like my bf wears then yes i do hug hoodies.!
Guess if I didn't get a flat nose,i'd at least get arrested.
Apart from SOME teenagers having less respect for authority these days,there are no differences between hoodies and the ted's of my era, both are mainly fashions of the time and the vast majority are,i'm sure decent kids
It would have been great if that stupid phrase hadn't been used when actually what the man said was isn't it better to find out what's behind crime and try to stop it at grass roots level ( ie better education, drugs programmes, social housing etc) than just punish wrongdoers willy nilly knowing full well that they will reoffend as punishment without rehabilitation does that and it's been proved to be completely counter productive to lowering the crime rate.
I was amazed that it was said by the conservative leader and as a life long Labour voter it really stuck in my throat that the Tories are now more compassionate and clued in than the so called Labour Party.Tony Blair has led us so far astray to the right that for the first time ever I am actually considering voting conservative at the next election.So yes taken as the man meant it, we should all "hug a hoodie" as if you don't understand someone then you can't effectively manage their anti-social behaviours and help them to be something better.
I'm 41 years old and have several hooded sweatshirts and other garments in my wardrobe which I regularly wear if my mood and the weather suit them. My 4 year old son also has several hooded tops. The thought that we can both be barred from going into some public places in this country just for wearing them causes me great dismay.
When is this country going to grow up and start dealing with the roots of problems rather than looking for some headline grabbing, media led, focus of public hysteria?
Discrimination of any kind is, quite rightly, not publicly acceptable so why is discrimination against an item of clothing deemed to be acceptable?
If my son, as he grows up, continues to want to wear hooded tops because he likes how they look and feel and because of how versatile they are then I would support his right to go wherever he wanted whenever he wanted and I would encourage anybody that believes in an individual's Human Rights to do the same.
Yeah hug 'em tp death!!!!!
hmmm...i never really understood how a item of clothing could cause so much predudice. I regularly wear a hoodie which incidentaly proclaims the name of the university that I work bloody hard to attend. Does this change me from hard working student (and trust me I am) to mindless thug? Ermmmm, nope!
hmmm...i never really understood how a item of clothing could cause so much prejudice. I regularly wear a hoodie which incidentaly proclaims the name of the university that I work bloody hard to attend. Does this change me from hard working student (and trust me I am) to mindless thug? Ermmmm, nope!
and incidentaly, I'm not very well at the moment so I would love a hug thanks!!!!
Big hug coming up for clairyfairy from a "hooded" 62 yr old xxxx (this is a nice hug for you, hope you feel better)

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