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Five pieces of fruit and veg

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Jarnold | 11:18 Fri 13th Apr 2001 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
We're always being told to eat five pieces of fruit and veg every day - but how much is a portion?


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I think I read somewhere that a 'portion' is defined as the size of an apple (an average one presumably).
According to the British Dietetic Association, a portion is: a large slice of melon or pineapple; a whole apple, orange or banana; two plums or satsumas; a cupful of berries or grapes; a tablespoon of dried fruit; three tablespoons of tinned fruit; a 150ml glass of fruit juice; a dessert bowl of salad; two tablespoons of any other vegetables.
If you can count to five & consume five fruit or veg every day, you must have lots of money and a balanced diet: so then the potion size doesn't matter.

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Five pieces of fruit and veg

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