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Rainbow Quiz

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FoxLee2 | 11:49 Thu 01st Sep 2022 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
The new Rainbow Quiz is available today and sadly, it is the last one aptly entitled The Final Puzzle. Neville is 85 and has produced two quizzes a year, plus the short Christmas one, for 30 years and feels now is the time to bring them to a close. They will be so missed.


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Strangely enough, I was wondering only this morning how long it can continue. Very sad. I'll be very sorry to lose it. They've done a wonderful job.
I've been trying to access it all morning. Nothing new on the web page.
I usually have a problem downloading it, spotty, but not today. I'm using Chrome and it appeared instantly.
Same with me!
Just received mine in the post.
Will miss it a lot after having done in for 30 years. They have done very well raising over £676,000 over the years. This time for Ukraine.
I received mine on Sept. 1st. The one time I seemed to have 'clicked' with it straight away (93/100) I learn that Neville and Marian are starting their well earned retirement. My personal thanks and admiration goes to them on their selfless work carried out with such devotion which deserves our highest praise. Now I've got until the 30th. November to sort out the last seven clues. Sigh!
Let's hope the solvers all go flat out to make their collective contributions the best ever.
They’ve been absolutely brilliant and tremendous fun to do

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