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Local Clothing Quiz -

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snapturtle | 18:30 Mon 15th Dec 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers
Stuck on last few, any help would be appreciated:

1. Sounds like it should be fringed, but it isn't (4)
2. In confusion, he ran but it stayed on his head (6)
3. Stay calm, keep it on (5)
4. I hear it's just an evening serenade by a man with a lisp(5)
5. Wellesleys (11)
6. You don't have to be agile to don this (5)
7. Draw up troops in proper alignment (5)
8. Charge those guns! (9)


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5, Wellingtons ?
18:38 Mon 15th Dec 2014
5, Wellingtons ?
2 turban
4 thong
6 gilet (in clue)
3 shirt
Question Author
Thanks all, I thought wellingtons, but not really sure why?
Richard Wellesley, 1st Marquess Wellesley was The Duke of Wellington's brother.
In fact Arthur Wellesely was the Duke of Wellington!
Question Author
Brilliant, makes sense now, thanks Frank.
1 ruff?
moved to Q&P :-)

auntie xxx
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Just stuck on 'Charge those guns!' (9), any ideas anyone?
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Thanks Mallyh, but still not entirely sure why? I know there was a battle of balaclava?

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Local Clothing Quiz -

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