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Sweets And Chocolates Quiz

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marbee008 | 11:39 Tue 25th Dec 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers
can anyone help me with these quiz questions which are all sweets and chocolates:
1 - wise guys
1 - royal herb
3 - sweet cereal
4 - cold herb
5 - celtic spread
6 - belly dancer
7 - a drink and a joke
8 - conversation killer
9 - not a part member of a teachers union
10 - smLL dog
11 - content of conversation
12 - move quickly around a dance floor
thanks to anyone you can help



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9. Cadbury's Whole Nut. (NUT = National Union of Teachers)
12:26 Tue 25th Dec 2012
1. Smarties
8. Gobstopper?
11. Topic
6. Turkish delight?
10. Yorkie
4. Glacier mint?
9 TUC biscuit?
12. Twirl
12. Twirl
5, Butterscotch
2, Mint imperial?
3. Barley twist /barley sugar
7. Popcorn?
9. Cadbury's Whole Nut. (NUT = National Union of Teachers)
1. smarties
10 yorkie

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Sweets And Chocolates Quiz

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