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Saturday Telegraph GENERAL????? Knowledge Crossword

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boingboing | 20:44 Sun 10th Jun 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
28 Answers
Hi, never thought I'd actually be saying this but I am considering giving up on the Saturday Telegraph General Knowledge Crossword which appears in then Weekend section of the paper. I've done it or at least attempted it for many years and always send the crossword off. Is it me or is the crossword becoming so specific knowledge wise that it is no longer enjoyable. I used to enjoy pitting my wits against it and was always happy if I only needed the internet for a few clues. Lately I have been finding I need to use the internet for well over half the clues. This clearly lessens the enjoyment, any others finding what was once a brilliant and manageable GK crossword somewhat disappointed at the current situation? Maybe I am just getting thicker, sorry to whinge but I really used to love doing this crossword (the weekend used to revolve around it) but now I just find it a little tiresome.


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I am not a Telegraph Xword person myself, but totally agree with you on how much we need the internet to parse crosswords these days. I began with the Sun two stage Xword some time back and have progressed onto more involved cryptic style Xwords. Some people have a great knowledge and ability to challenge these. I agree that the fun is disappearing and the knowledge of how to use the internet has become paramount. The setters are even including superfluous words sometimes (I wonder if they even know, sometimes). Ps, I am far from a great parser, but I like to think I know at least something. ''sigh''
Ps, There is not an Xword fan on here right now that hasn't seen this thread. So come and have your say, Telegraph or other tabloid........
haven't looked at any Telegraph puzzles for years so can't comment.
Think the Sunday Express Skeleton is the worst, manage to finish it most weeks, but sometimes I am getting answers from the key word but it does not seem to have any relation to the rest of the clue.
Favourite is the telegraph cryptic.
I prefer a good cryptic .GK is just that .You either know the answer or you don't .
To be fair though the STGK is still one of the better ones .Kate Mepham ( who sets it ) has done a really good job since she took over from her late father ,the much missed Micheal Mepham .
Good on you for answering HK, But do you feel the same about your regular Xword in the paper you buy ?
Has it got more intense and less enjoyable ?
These days I only regularly do Radio Times, weekend Scotsman, Prospect magazine with occasional others as I feel like it.
Radio Times has recently got harder; Scotsman and Prospect have remained about the same.
Thank you for your genuine opinion Hk. There are still more online that haven't contributed yet. Lets have your thoughts Guy's 'N' Girls.
Prospect is a good GK Xword .I do that each month but I tend to stick the Guardian ,Azed ,Everyman. I also do the Spectator .
My son gives me his Music Magazine to do 'cos he can't crack it :)
I have a punt on the Express though on a Sunday .
Azed is out of my league from the questions that appear on here, The others I would give a go (not saying i would complete) but thanks for your thoughts and honety : )
Azed is a good cryptic Shooty ,give it a try .It's set by that old master Auracaria
Once you get into his mind set you can crack it :)
Or ..give the Speccie a try .Good fun ..various setters .
I'm not ready yet shaney, hopefully soon. (It gets harder to ask when your used to answering) Time for me to try and move up a peg, but not till I'm comfortable with a 50% chance of achieving my goal.
General knowledge crosswords are harder. Before I got a computer I used to spend a couple of hours on a Sunday trying to solve the Guardian Everyman crossword. My only help was a dictionary.
For a GK crossword I'd have needed a library of reference books
Never be to proud to ask Shooty .I've been here for years and often ask if I'm stuck .Nobody thinks anything the less of you for doing so .
We all have to learn somewhere and there are some really helpful people here .
I regularly had the entire dining table strewn with books of reference from Atlases to Encyclopaedias and all in between. I agree some are tough but the internet does make scooping those last few up easier.
Years ago ..pre computers ,I used to do a postal quiz called Quizmail.
Mostly GK questions ,pictures thrown in ..that sort of thing ..
It was a team run thing .We had a team and it was organised by two chaps ,one of whom was a Mastermind finalist actually . They entrants from far and wide.,
We loved searching out the answers from books or the library and getting together to discuss it all .
It's gone now .The internet killed it :(
I feel the same about the Express Cryptic....I can solve it but it's not a pleasure, the clues are a little crude and I don't get much satisfaction from it. I like the Times and the Dm. I'm not good enough yet for the Azed etc...Hope to get there one day
Sandyroe, I hear where you are coming from. : )
Shaney, I do ask when needed.
Just wanted to see others views on what boingboing had put forth.
Only 5 people have responded. Hmmmmm
Chatterbank for the Xworders, love it and keep it up : )
Ps, I'm subscribing and off to bed, good night all : )

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Saturday Telegraph GENERAL????? Knowledge Crossword

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