Am stuck on last few, would appreciate your help. please. 16a Aussie suitcase, left & wine (4) ?o?t. 26a objectionable sort (5) t?e??. 29a body of troops at the heart of things, we hear (5) c?r?s. 21d Winemakers (6) ?r???s.
Thank you novalis and croppy06.
for 6d I put grapes, clue is wine found in tombs,
I think I am wrong the letters I have are g?a?e?.
can you confirm please.
I think 16a is port- both left on a ship and wine but can't fathom the aussie suitcase bit!
29a is corps [pronounced core] hence the heart of things.
21d is grapes.
No help on the other one, sorry though second letter will probably be e, h, or r.
Thank you to everyone who helped, now I know
something new about grapes - as they say One is
never to old to learn. Must buy some grapes next
time I go shopping.