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What is social mobility?

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rov1200 | 19:42 Wed 18th Aug 2010 | News
8 Answers
Some may think its to get the scroungers and work shy off their (backsides) to travel and look for work and changing where they choose to live..


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I will be interested to hear what is in Milburn's portfolio, that he has to be a Minister of it.
dig the answer there, gromit. a lurvely bit of sociology...x
isn't it going up or down socially rather than sideways or some other place.
Clogs to clogs in three generations?
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Oh I see its to make all the down and outs become middle class. I wonder who will end up doing the menial and (Sugar) jobs?
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You can guess I did not say sugar. Something that comes out of the rectum.
D'you mind rov, I'm was having my dinner when I read that.Yuk!

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What is social mobility?

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