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anotheoldgit | 15:37 Wed 20th May 2009 | News
5 Answers
I thought I would address this post especially to you oneyedvic, seeing that you can't wait to post lies and assumptions about me.

But please do not let it boost your self importance, because that is not my aim.

all Irish immigrants are terrorists and hate us. Where have I ever said this? or is just another example of the vast over exaggerations that you and others use to try and demean a person?

You still have not addressed this, I have never mentioned the Irish.

You have stated that you believe that the people protesting at the High Commission 'hated' the British and you implied that the potential asylum seekers (who have lost their home and families) are terrorists.

Why else would they burn an effigy of Foreign Secretary David Miliband during a demonstration outside the British High Commission in Sri Lanka.

Neither did I imply that potential asylum seekers are terrorists, but it is true to say that some are.



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It doesn't take me to demean you - your ignorance always manages to shine through. You obviously know nothing about what is / has happened over there since the war has between two people - the Singhalese (who were the people protesting) and the Tamils - who are the refugees. For some reason your post indicates that you think the two are the same.

Once again you show your 'ignorance' (if we must use such words of insult) I do not think the two are the same, it is you that is getting your protests mixed up. For your information it is the Singhalese that were protesting outside the British Consulate and the Tamils protesting in London, both factions don't seem to me to have much love for the British. cle-1184251-04FE4A9F000005DC-666_634x422.jpg

Incidentally note the small innocent child thrust up in the violence, I presume you would blame the British for this abuse also?

I have tried to point out that the majority of people caught up in Sri Lanka do not hate the British and are not terrorists, just as the vast amount of people in Northern Ireland are the same.

Exactly the whole point revolves around the word 'MAJORITY' just like the untruth that I have said 'EVERY Sri Lankan hate the British and are terrorists. The same applies to the Northern Irish but then this is not open for discussion, since it is fact that I have never ever mentioned them.

So please feel free at all times to disagree with me, if you must but please do not stoop so low as insulting me or telling lies about what I have supposed to have said, these can only be a figment of your imagination, to somehow help to prove that you are right.

Ooh! This looks exciting!
Firstly, I have not told lies about you - I have taken your words and then given an example closer to home to show how ludicrous they are.

As an example - if you say that Pakistanis are a threat against this country and we should close the border between here and Pakistan (which you have stated previously), I would point out that more Irish terrorists have killed people in this country that Pakistani terrorists but you don't call for the closure of our borders with Ireland.


You have stated that you believe that the people protesting at the High Commission 'hated' the British and you implied that the potential asylum seekers (who have lost their home and families) are terrorists.

Why else would they burn an effigy of Foreign Secretary David Miliband during a demonstration outside the British High Commission in Sri Lanka.

So if I hated George Bush, you now think that I hate the Americans? I also hated Pol Pot - does this mean that I hated Cambodians.

For some reason you don't seem to be able to distinguish between people disliking a government and disliking its people, in the same way that you don't differentiate between a minority and a majority.

Once again you show your 'ignorance' (if we must use such words of insult) I do not think the two are the same, it is you that is getting your protests mixed up. For your information it is the Singhalese that were protesting outside the British Consulate and the Tamils protesting in London, both factions don't seem to me to have much love for the British.

I agree - but in the question you asked -'Time for them to go' you are referring to the Tamils - in fact your question explicitly states Tamils.


incidentally note the small innocent child thrust up in the violence, I presume you would blame the British for this abuse also?

Where have I blamed the British for anything to do with the troubles?

Surely not a lie you are implying about me AOG?

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