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knifing in london.......

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stokemaveric | 23:56 Sun 25th May 2008 | News
53 Answers
just watching the devestated family of jamie knox who was stabbed to death,bring back hanging for the scum who carry and use knives.when is this govt going to get tough on the scum who kill and cause heartache?i for 1 would definatley pull the lever and send the scum through the trapdoor...................


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these waste of space idiots deserve a short sharp lesson,

death wish with charles bronson is a good watch for right minded citizens,

if this limp wristed pathetic left government run by a loser does not act there are two choices,

out come the vigilantes to play that would sort out these scum,

or how about putting knife carrying vermin onto the pitch at wembley for a good old fight to the death? i would pay to watch but these cowards would probably not put on much of a show, then we could send in the lions to do the humane thing and finish them off,

The problem with the death penalty is that it's essentially a concession to base instincts.

The fact is that everyone has an upsurge of instinctive hate for someone who commits a heinous crime, but such sentiments deserve absolutely no place in the judicial system. Public influence of the judiciary has to be kept absolutely minimal in order to keep it as close to neutrality as physically possible. That's why we shouldn't bring back the death penalty. I'd much rather have a judicial system which was as close to independence and neutrality as possible rather than one which pandered to populist mentality.

There's also the unacceptably high rate of innocent sentences which took place when it was active, and (contrary to popular belief), the negligible affect that the death sentence has on crime generally (I cite the USA as an example. You could also go back to the Six Acts of 1819 for an example of extra-draconian 'common sense' legislation - not unlike those being suggested in this thread - for restoring order actually increasing crime)
I totally agree with the death penalty for certain crimes, of which this would be one of them.

My point being, in the light of offenders being released, and /or, released eary, so many of them re-offend.
If they were dead, they wouldn't be able to do that, thereby, saving worthwhile lives, and also not destroying families.

But, its the causes that should be of concern.
Jamie Knox is fine; his brother was killed. As others have pointed out, the reason the death penalty was abolished is that innocent people were being executed. As for hanging people who carry knives, that seems very extreme. In this day and age some people carry them for self-protection.
There has just been another assault (yet another, surprise surprise) and the victim is Asian. So immediately the media are reporting "..... as yet no racial motive can be ascribed". Can't you just feel the expectant tension as their political correctness wishes and wishes for a white assailant to nail to the wall ?

Load of blind fools. Generations to come will curse their ancestors for doing this to them. Truth is being stifled behind fear and a mistaken belief that all colours and cultures can live together in peace.
. So immediately the media are reporting "..... as yet no racial motive can be ascribed". Can't you just feel the expectant tension as their political correctness wishes and wishes for a white assailant to nail to the wall ?

No. They're saying it because people like you frequently identify a racial basis in crime because the people involved are non-white. Frankly, I think you enjoy being apocalyptic.
My point being, in the light of offenders being released, and /or, released eary, so many of them re-offend.
If they were dead, they wouldn't be able to do that,

Or alternatively we could do more than just bang them up with fellow criminals and try to put them to some use and get them back on a contributive track. Naturally everyone instinctively smacks their temple at such a suggestion but it would reduce re-offending rates (as it does in Denmark) and would also avoid all the unsavoury aspects of the death penalty.
I agree jno, some people do carry knives for protection, but thats only been fairly recently, knives have always been carried, but never for that purpose,

Where the young are concerned, I think, without a doubt, the breakdown of the family unit and home discipline are mainly to blame, and for that, if you look back, the families demise began in 1997,
Load of blind fools. Generations to come will curse their ancestors for doing this to them. Truth is being stifled behind fear and a mistaken belief that all colours and cultures can live together in peace.

too true - black / white; mods / rockers; punks / hippies; chavs / goths; Scottish / English; seems that it's people that can't get on.
knives have always been carried, but never for that purpose, - my wife (58) carried one for protection when she was in her 30s and walking home at night. She also wore rings on every finger that could act in a similar way to a knuckle duster. Other women I know carry nail files for protection.

Where the young are concerned, I think, without a doubt, the breakdown of the family unit and home discipline are mainly to blame, and for that, if you look back, the families demise began in 1997,

Yep, Punks, rockers, mods, skinheads,etc etc were all good, law abiding citizens who never went looking for trouble or went around in gangs or carried chains or knives.
I don't mind being apocalyptic. With knife and gun crime it is hard to sidestep the conclusion that nowadays while it is not totally, it is overwhelmingly, black on black. And as I've already said, there is nothing can be done about it. It's part of the culture.

You tell me then, what can actually be done about it? As of tomorrow, you are Mayor of London, or Prime Minister,what would YOU actually do? (without offending anybody's sensitivities of course - i.e. you need to nail the whites and pussyfoot over the ''others")

What would I do?

Decentralise the police force administration. This will reduce red tape and increase numbers of police on the streets. A slight increase in police salaries would be nice as well but that's more difficult than it sounds as the recent ruckus demonstrates.Tax may have to go up slightly for this.

Legalise as many narcotics as possible and nationalise control of the supply. Vast majority of crime is drug-related and introducing a stable authority to ensure a clean and stable-priced supply would severely reduce crime.

For prison reform, I'm not entirely sure. I'd need to do some research (or if I was in charge, consult as many people as possible).

Both of the above would likely spur a backbench rebellion and incur the Daily Mail's wrath. I'd probably get defeated but those are the first two things I'd try that spring to mind.
Good points Kromo, but what you end up with is gangs now legally stoned but still killing each other. You are talking of people who will take offence if you so much as LOOK at them, or NOT look at them. Huge chips on their shoulders against all of society.

The solution, if there were one, involves changing hearts and minds and whole cultures.
"Truth is being stifled behind fear and a mistaken belief that all colours and cultures can live together in peace."

Whiffey - you are so right, this is what it all boils down to.
vic, your right about the Mods and Rockers etc, but in those days, punishments fitted the crime, and in general, in urban areas, people walked about in safety

I was grew up in the 40s and 50s, and knife killings was virtually non existant, eg, in the decades of the 40s, 50, and 60's, could you tell me approximately how many youngsters were killed by knives or guns, by other youngsters, compared to now?
whiffey - you absolutely don't know what you're talking about.


I <really know that you're guessing at the 'black culture' thing.
OK sp1814, maybe so, but can you tell me why so much knife and gun crime, indeed the overwhelmingly majority, is by black, on black, and can you understand why I among millions of others (many stifled by fear of the politically correct), am so fed up with it, and equally that I have reached the point where I don't care about it, provided it is kept within their own community?

We will never bring back hanging while we are joined at the hip with Europe.

So let's get out of Europe, but in the meantime there should be zero tolerance from the police ie. stop and search anyone suspected of carring a knife, be them black, white or any other colour in between.
Some of my answers in this post have been deleted, can the person who repored them please say why please?.
sp1814, whiffey is an expert on black culture and has much to say on the subject. I don't know how you can doubt his word on this.

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