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Bells on a Bikes

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anotheoldgit | 12:41 Sun 10th Sep 2006 | News
22 Answers
It has been announced that it will soon be illegal not to have a bell fitted to a bicycle. Is this the "Nanny State" flexing it's muscles once again, or do you agree with me that cycle manufacturers should be obliged to fit built in lights and bells to their products. After all no other vehicle manufacturer would produce any other roadworthy vehicle without lights and a warning device?.


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I don't know about the lights but since May 1st 2004 it's been illegal to sell a bike without a bell.
Yes and Seat belts too.
You're dead right there, oldgit. I'm fed up with cyclists sneaking up behind me buzzing past. Even if they do have bells on their bycycle, they wait untill they're ten yards behind you before ringing their presence. By then, it's too late.

Knock, knock
Who's there?
Isobel who?
Isobel necessary on a bicylce!
Insurance should be compulsory as well.
These answers seem a bit ambitious. Lights have been compulsory for about 70 years, but who does anything about it?
i see the government is trying to control us even more. Where art thou V.
It astounds me that with the country, the government and the labour party apparently falling to bits around us, they still find time for trivial c**p like this.

That's what the country needs to sort it out - more laws.
You cyclist need not worry, because like using a phone whist driving, wearing a seat belt and driving around with "chavlights" on, there is nobody around to enforce it.
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They should put all the "safety cameras" ie speed cameras onto cycle tracks to catch all the henious criminals that don't have bells on their bikes.
GruntyI think you will find the law states if lights are fitted to a vehicle (any vehicle) they must be in full working order, there is no law that states they must be fitted.......Hence a daylight MOT
I'd be far more impressed if someone managed to find a way of making teenagers ride on the road rather than the pavement, to be honest.
I ride all over the road and the pavement. Does that count?
I think that if a bike is to be used off road then nothing should be needed, but if you want to ride on the road, you should have lights, a bell, mirrors and insurance just like a motorbike. I think the bikes cause a lot of accidents and hardly any cyclists are insured.
Admarlow - I second your opinion. I don't think it should be used for cyclists cycling on pavements though - and the times I have nearly been knocked down with one creeping up behind me because they were cycling through one way streets (the wrong way) on pavements, then giving me hell that i nearly caused an accident!

let all cycles have a permanent siren geared to sound as their pedals rotate and I would be totally happy.
You would also be permanently deaf!
milkfloats do....
Well, if the cyclist plans on riding during the night, then it is in his/her best interest to have lights installed to increase his/her visibility. Ultimately, the cyclist should pay extra attention when riding on the road because he/she is much more difficult to see than cars. As far as installing a bell, this may only help when riding on a foot path to warn pedestrians that they are approaching from behind. Although I hardly see it necessary to have a bell. When I rode my bike a lot, I would just yell "on your left" or "on your right" to warn people that I was coming. I don't see the point in making laws to regulate such things, but you Brits really seem to like your rules and regulations. Personally, I think there are enough rules and regulations.
Philby! - of course I was talking about night time.
Like the name Grunty :) Many years ago I knew a P.C. Hogg .... genuine :)

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