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Iran - Nuclear Weapons?

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Loosehead | 12:48 Wed 11th Jan 2006 | News
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If Iran where to be allowed to develop a Nuclear Weapon do you think they would be able to resist using it, probably on Isreal or even the "great satan"?


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I share the concerns of iran obtaining nuclear weapons, this is based on the guys in charge being rabid anti semites, anti western and unstable. btw i think its a good guess that the vast majority of iranian citizens have a absolute loathing of the jewish race, this is based on opinion poll data and history.

Iran is also a enlightened people with a civilised culture and history and has many sensible voices, sadly drowned out in recent years by the zealots.

The persian history and culture was flourishing at a time when we were and (Ward Mingers ancestors specially) were rubbing two stones to make a fire. They are a proud and intelligent people.
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mimififi, It was a question not a statement. You really must learn to partition arguments otherwise you tend to look like an incoherant idiot who nobody takes any notice of.

Loosehead, the statement that mmififi refers to i guess is the one that Ward minter made after he awoke from his christmas slumber about the nuking iran,iraq and that the middleeast is an evil place. There is evil in our country too, an 18 month old child is raped and the assault is filmed and the woman who filmed it is given a five year sentence.

Ignorant/incoherent, i think not....loosehead i thought you were more accepting than that.

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Sorry if I misunderstood, I thought mimiffi was referring to the original question.

Thankyou Dom for springing to my defence. I was, actually as you clearly saw from reading the whole thread (as I did) that I was reacting to a, frankly, racist statement made by WM about the middle east being a place of all evil.

As you can see clearly from my post, I did realise that your (Loosehead's) question was a question which is why I said "I apologise for not answering your question." I knew it was a question from the fact that it has a question mark and there was no rhetoric picked up.

I didn't view myself as an incoherent idiot when I posted; I was trying to defend the millions of moral people who were being tarred with WM's brush and also point out that we have no right to be judgemental when you look at the stories that have been in our news since Christmas.

A little humility goes a long way. I do however, accept your apology.

oh, and I think Iran has a genuine power issue, but that allowing them to develop replacement power needs careful monitoring as there are unpredictable people in all governments in all countries.


Interesting reading on why Iran's next on the list:

This is a tricky one - I am no fan of Israel or Iran, and preferably I would let neither have nuclear weapons. The religious dogma to which they both adhere is too dangerous in overruling rational judgement.

However, that said, I do not believe it is in the best interests of the West to allow Iran nuclear weapons. Is this hypocritical? Yup. Is this unfair? Yup. But the stakes are too high to play around. The nuclear applecart has run pretty smoothly since its inception - I simply don't think the principle of fairness and equality is worth the risk of a holocaust. Perhaps I'm wrong - but the people making the decisions have my sympathy.

Okay, I had quite a lot to say, but I think I've forgotten most of it. Firstly, anti-semitism is just racism towards Jews and we should call it racism, because its just the same as any other from of racism. I'm confused to as why any persecuted group would want a specific term to describe the racism against them. Secondly, I agree with those who object to the generalisation of Iranian people as anti-semitic or jew loathing and may I didrect you to the term anti-zionist, look it up its not the same thing as racism. I also agree that Israel if anyone would be most likely to use a nuclear weapon. Thirdly, I don't believe the Iranians would build a nuclear bomb - though they would be justified in doing so to deter any attack from America. The US is the country with the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons (and all others too) and the only country to ever use one and the largest political and financial supporter of the illegal state of Israel (even with its record for breaking UN sanctions and international law) - need I highlight the hypocrisy???

Dom Tuk "They are a proud and intelligent people" Ermmm Don't think Mr Rushdie will say that. Nor any feminist, nor any homosexual, nor any woman who has had a sex life outside marriage, nor any criminal, nor anybody who has spoken out against Iran. The list is endless.

Proud maybe, that's a good attribute. Intelligent?? I think not.

There's one thing for certain if Iran or any Islamic nation gets the bomb-we will all be cremated equal.

GruntFuttock, I find your last comment highly insulting and woefully ignorant, in condemning all of the world's Islamic nations is there something that you are trying to say about the 1 000 000 000 + followers of the world's second largest and fastest growing religion? And for your information Pakistan (a muslim country) already has nuclear bombs and as I said before America is the only country to have ever used a nuclear bomb. What's the predominant religion in America? Hmm...let me think...oh yeah - it's Christianity. (Note the lack of offensive sweeping statements)

PS - Grow up!

I am really fed up with some people on this forum talking a load of rubbish. (Ward Minter springs to mind). This will seriously make me doubt about your ability to understand and analyse your thoughts before making such unsubstantiated, ignorant comments with the ususal rhetorics. Here is what you said earlier: "They are a proud and intelligent people... Nor any feminist, nor any homosexual, nor any woman who has had a sex life outside marriage, nor any criminal, nor anybody who has spoken out against Iran". Stop generalising. Have you ever been to Iran? I guess not. Frankly, I find your views racist and it is beause of ignorant people like YOU that there's lack of understanding and toleration in our society.
I think it is propoganda. Bush just wants to wage war against Iran next. If there is another world war, it will probably be down to him. Anybody else think he may be the anti-christ from revelations?

Ah Diddums sarcaustic-am I not allowed an opinion?

I'm not the only one who is petrified at the thought of fundamentalist muslims getting hold of a nuclear weapon.We've seen over recent years just what they're prepared to do 'in the name of God'

Keyvan-name one Muslim country that's as understanding and tolerant as the UK.

Or are you just going to call me a racist?


If you read the content of my post clearly you wouldn't have said what you already said in your previous post. My point was aimed at people like Ward Minter, who tend to group people and nationalities into one basket. Honestly just read some of this guys post and maybe you will see. Nothing gets me more angry than people who are ignorant and irrational. They are the ones who give a bad image to this society.

... but don't you see that others may find your views 'ignorant and irrational'

It's just too easy to call people racists when their views happen not to agree with your own.

I note that Dom Tuk described the persians as a'proud and intelligent people'.Wouldn't you agree that he is generalising? they're not all proud and intelligent surely?

Keyvan, if Iran is such a wonderful place why are so many Iranians over here?

Could it be that they are seeking a better life? A life free from persecution. A life free from political sentancing?

I do not think it is "ignorant" people like me which makes this country intolerant. It is second and third generation Arab settlers in Britain who harp on how great art thou and diss this country to the point of terrorist attacks.

No I have never been to Iran, though I have other middle east countries.

Somehow Thomas Cook doesn't have many flights there? why is that Kayvan. Tell me? How long will someone with a Jewish name like mine last?

P.S we won't mention The Ayatollah Khomeini . Such a nice chap.

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