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Are We Paying Too Much In Benefits?

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naomi24 | 08:36 Thu 05th Mar 2015 | News
64 Answers
This woman can’t work and is on incapacity benefit, but nevertheless has paid for multiple trips to Tunisia and can afford to send her husband money which he passes on to his family.

(Don't want to sound like a kill joy, but I can’t help thinking that whether this man is eventually allowed to come here or not this marriage is doomed to failure).


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ummmm, I don't know much about benefits. What would a woman in her forties, suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis and living alone be entitled to?
I don't know. I don't know much about benefits.

All I know is JSA is about £70 a week and that's after I googled it.

Ric...When my daughter came back from Oz she signed on for a few months and I was mightily surprised how much she received. (she got a job, she's not a scrounger)
JSA and ESA have the same basic payout - £71.40 (if I recall correctly) per week.
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How much did she receive, ummmm?

Dizmo, What's ESA?
Employment support allowance. DLA is only for children.
esa = employment support allowance
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is replacing DLA for adults.
dla is for anyone under 64!
ok gotcha dizmo
You can't claim for DLA anymore, PIP is now the new benefit.
Cross post :)
Certain benefits I think should be raised and others cancelled. For Instance, I don't think Job seekers allowance is enough for people genuinely looking for work. It should be double for the first year then halved. Child benefit (formerly family allowance) is a non means tested benefit and means people on a relatively high income up to £49,999 per annum with say, five children under 16 will get around £320 per month from Tax payers . Why should Taxpayers money go to well off people who have kids?
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Neither should the Taxpayer be expected to 'make-up' the difference between what employers are obliged to pay legally......and what actually constitutes a decent/living wage...
A couple both working full time on minimum wage would only get £20 a week tax credit. The Government is hardly 'making up' a living wage. Minimum wage needs to go up -nothing to do with the benefits system.
The fact that the Taxpayer has to put their hand in their pockets *at all* to make up wages is the disgrace; and these figures do feature in the Benefits bill.
Turkey seems to be the land of 'toy boys'.

On a documentary a couple of weeks ago, an overweight 40 something lady on benefits met a Turkish lad on the tinternet, she went to Turkey met his family, his mother was younger than the woman. He is Muslim so this woman dressed head to toe I the cover up garb and was praying on a mat in his front room, poor cow could hardly get up with her arthritic knees. She said the sex was great lol lol.

Why are these women so gullible. ?
////Nonsense. Most people in the UK work.////

When you say "in the UK" what do you mean? Are you talking about specific people?
When they were introduced in the late forties it was a time when people took pride in providing for their families and anyone who didn't work felt a sense of shame that they unable to do this. Also women getting pregnant out of wedlock was also something to be ashamed of so it was avoided by either marrying quickly or being 'sent away' to give birth. Nowadays these morals have disappeared, no incentive to try to steer away from claiming and there is no shame in being on benefits.
How many people in the UK? How many out of education are unemployed?

How many of those unemployed is through choice because the benefits system is too generous? How many churn out babies for benefits? Seriously, bringing up children is not worth an extra £20 a week.

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