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Farriercm | 10:12 Thu 17th Jul 2014 | News
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Who was the most unpopular Prime Minister of all time in the UK.


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(Medical joke there)
Thatcher, without a doubt!!! Horrible, evil woman!! Ding dong the witch is dead!!
Gordon Brown.

Mrs Thatcher couldn't have been that unpopular. She served three consecutive terms.
At least she was popular with the gay community
Margaret Thatcher was at the same time the most unpopular and most popular PM in recent memory.

It's not a binary thing. You can be both.

The Daily Mail is both the most popular newspaper website in the country enjoyed by many hundreds of thousands...and the Daily Mail is also the most reviled newspaper in the country, hated by many hundreds of thousands.
Well said New Judge.

Thatcher took over when this country was in a total mess (under LABOUR) and we had the Winter of Discontent (under LABOUR).

As you say, most people under 60 have got no idea how bad things in this country were before Thatcher.

The unions were very powerful and would strike at the drop of a hat, companies like British Leyland made TERIBLE cars, and even though the workers were well paid (compared to many others) they had people like Red Robbo who would take them out on strike if somebody stood of his toe.

When Thatcher took over we were the laughing stock of Europe, when she left office we were one of the most powerful countries in Europe.

In fact it could be argued Blair and Brown were able to take over the country that was in such a good financial state BECAUSE of Thatcher.

But then between them they managed to bankrupt it.
It's the plight of individual boys and girls that worries me most.

Well if we are to believe the latest news on the absolute scandal of the goings on with children and MP's, Lords etc, that statement is not true at all is it!
//It's not a binary thing. You can be both. //

... but Gordon Brown never quite got the hang of it. ;o)
royfromaus's a pretty amazing clip, and not very well known.

The Tories have indeed come a long way (well, at least some of them have).

But even acknowledging that - can you not see why many reviled her?
// Major was quite unpoplar but got a rough deal really as he left the economy the strongest in Europe just in time for his tonyness to wreck it. //

I like to refute lies, and that is one of the silliest I've seen for a while. The UK economy dis very well under Blair, significantly better for longer than Major.
Possibly the most unsuitable would be The Duke Of Wellington.

After his first Cabinet meeting, he was asked how it went......

"Strange affair... I gave them their orders, then they wanted to sit and chat about it...."
Thatcher was the most divisive . She was loved by many and loathed by many, but that doesn't make her the most unpopular.

It's got to be Gordon Brown hasn't it? Not even the people in his own cabinet liked him.
To be fair to Gordon Brown, he was quite popular before he became PM, and everyone realised how useless he was.
Ah yes 3 terms lets forget that she was going to be out on her ear if the Falklands war didn't happen.

Why did it happen?

Falklands: MT letter to Mrs Nichols (withdrawal of HMS Endurance from service) ["Our judgement is that the presence of the Royal Marines sufficient deterrent against any possible aggression"] [released 2013]

Such foresight.
Brown had the most unsuitable personality to be PM.

He was not genuinely warm or friendly and the public could see through the spin doctors attempts to try and make him so. That bad smile was terrible. The public could probably have tolerated that, but he was unlucky to be the PM when the world banking crisis crippled our economy.

Even dispite those two huge handicaps, the Conservatives were not able to win a working majority at the General Election.
// Brown had the most unsuitable personality to be PM. //

I think it's fair to say that despite whatever economic and political nous he may or may not have had, he lacked the requisite 'people' skills.

What he should have done was resolutely ignored the spin doctors and image makers that tried to make him more customer facing and cuddly. The fact that he didn't gave the lie to the spin that here was a serious man who was all about substance rather than the grinning Blair. It made him look ridiculous and dishonest.
//whatever economic and political nous he may or may not have had//

I'd stick with the 'not'. ;o)


have you forgotten already that Gordon Brown saved the world. His decisive actions when the financial crisis broke were much admired around the world.

New York Times 12.10.2008

// Has Gordon Brown, the British prime minister, saved the world financial system?

But the Brown government has shown itself willing to think clearly about the financial crisis, and act quickly on its conclusions. And this combination of clarity and decisiveness hasn’t been matched by any other Western government, least of all our own.

Meanwhile, the British government went straight to the heart of the problem — and moved to address it with stunning speed. On Wednesday, Mr. Brown’s officials announced a plan for major equity injections into British banks, backed up by guarantees on bank debt that should get lending among banks, a crucial part of the financial mechanism, running again.

Luckily for the world economy, however, Gordon Brown and his officials are making sense. And they may have shown us the way through this crisis. //

I suspect history will be kinder to Brown than his political opponents in this country are.

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