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Anti-terror measures-who do you target?

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MargeB | 15:59 Fri 22nd Jul 2005 | News
26 Answers
I see the security services in New York have stepped up stop-and-search patrols on the subway, while insisting that they do not use a discriminatory policy to do so. Why? While I am not racist, I would certainly be selective in this instance. Almost all terrorists have been non-white young/middle aged men. Surely it would be best to concentrate on them?


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This is really tough. I despise racism, but given the choice between the police searching a young Asian man with a rucksack, or a middle aged white woman with a shopping bag, I know who'd I'd want stopped.
In the current climate yes but remember Timothy McViegh ?
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I know what you're saying, but I think we know who the major figures are at the moment.

I have the utmost sympathy for McVeigh. He was a combat vet, with mental health problems, he approached the authorities for mental health care, and was flat refused for some petty beaurocratic reason. They have blood on their hands.

It is such a tricky issue MargeB - as you're well aware.  I do totally agree with your sentiment (and I am also not racist), but it's SUCH a risky technique. 

To me, if police are trying to catch drug dealers in a UK city centre, and they know that 70% of drug dealers are blue giraffes aged 4 to 6 years old, then it seems only fair that 70% of the "people" they stop are blue giraffes aged 4 to 6 years.  Logic would therefore suggest that when looking for Al Qu'ida suicide bombers, young Asian males would be a good place to start.

HOWEVER, like many ABers I count amongst my friends a number of young Asian males and I wouldn't like to think that they'd be stopped all the time "just because".  But then as my friends would have nothing to hide, it should be a quick enough business to sort it out and let them be back on their way. 

Hmmm - tough call. 

There was a Colonel (Defense Analyst I think he was) on BBC News 24 last night going on about this. He made the point that, yes, young asian males are going to be treated more suspiciously. This is out of necssity and nothing to do with racism. I immediately thought of some PC do-gooder at home blowing their top over these comments.....
I must say that was my first thought , i.e.young Asian males , but if this was the case how long before they somehow force white males or white females or Asian females to carry a bomb onto a tube maybe by threatening their family . If the searches are random from the start that won't happen. Remember they are capable of anything.
Plus Richard Reid was not Asian and neither was the jamaican dude Germaine Lindsay!
It's not racism, It's logic. Unpalatable, possibly but an unfortunate necessity. When you're trying to find who ate the wildebeast you start with the big cats not the Zebras!
I totally agree Loosehead

terror expert on sky news was asked this and he said it was a delicate situation for the police to be in. On the one hand if the deliberatly target a particular race the most they will have the Political Correct brigade taking whole forces to court of so many discrimination charges they cant really afford to fight, whereas on the other hand, if they are targetting islamic extremists and suicide bombers to stop them more than any other threat they know what race they are nearly always going to be, and they havent the man power/funds or freedom to mess aboout searching people that are obviously of no threat!

I think it is time to say "Being abusive about race" is racist, stopping an people to search them as they fit a suspect threat is safety! I think we need to make that clear and also for muslim people of britain to support the actions of stop and search suspicious people in densly public places such as the underground.

You have to remember that mainstream America is alot more knee-jerk "PC" in how they describe things to the public. Of course, they are going to "randomly select" more dark skinned or asian people than white folk. BUT because we have a very healthy non-profit (or NGO to you) sector that are on the watch for ANY hint of racist demagoguery the officials have to mind their P's and Q's.

Oh, I should add -

non-profits and their respective team of attorneys. 

If you have nothing to hide why should it matter whether they stop us or not? The minority spoil it for the majority im afraid. I think tougher measures should be taken in england aswell at least then we would feel as if something is being done to make us safer. As the first bombings proved it could be anyone... a neighbour, a friend. We shouldnt be too quick to judge anyone but in the same breath just who can we trust anymore?
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Just talking to a friend who tells me that tube rides are now quite an experience...eyes darting everywhere have replaced the usual sombre gazes.

I have to say i'm not surprised but a little disappointed with some of the ABer's responses. I often heard the "i'm not racist, but" used in the past by people to make there comments exceptable.

As a young asian male who has been stopped and searched on numerous occasions in cars and on foot and from other experiences, I would not turn to the police for help, or expect any fair treatment from them.

Having also lived in the hyde park/Burley area of Leeds and having attend university with these accused young men and having been an active member of the university islamic society and attended the local mosque in hyde park.  I can honestly say I knew nothing of these attacks or of anybody with links to terrorists or having terrorist training.

Might I suggest ABer's look at the root causes of these terrorist attacks instead of further alienating black and asian youth like myself.

I also prefer you not to reply "but your alright, your not like the rest".  Heard that one countless time as well. 
Saying most terrorists are non-white young/middle aged men is a dangerous assumption. The Bader-Meinhof gang and Sinn Fein/IRA spring to mind. What happens when the terrorists, knowing folk are concentrating on Asian men carrying rucksacks,change tack and use women carrying message bags packed wi explosives?  
I think it�s disgusting they are searching non white people! 55 or more people died last week and the bombers were at it again this week and the police are inconveniencing non white people well were really sorry, what next please don�t shoot to kill well tuff luck, live by the sword die by �. I�m sure most non white people are peaceful and follow the law but there is minority that has no respect for human life spurred on by certain people in certain mosques. I�m not sure you are alright but I will take you word for it Insurgent. When I�m on the tube on Monday I will wonder if I am going to arrive at work, get back home and find my wife and children have arrived home safely wondering if more bombers have set off on another mission of death and hatred if you are peace loving like me you will be pleased with the shoot to kill policy as the rest of British society is and feel safer knowing the police are targeting their resources in the most effective way. When they have removed this scum from our country then Insurgent we can both get on and enjoy are life :-)

Hi Marge B,

Much as we would like to feel "comfortable" by narrowing down our definition of these terrorists to a racial/physical appearance,this could be dangerous on two counts.

1. Once the terrorists realise we are only concentrating on persons that look like the ones you mention,they will obviously use people who do NOT look this way.

2.Think of all the innocent persons who look like this.I would not like to be such persons on a tube or bus in London(with a rucksack) at the moment.Could this not lead to mob rule,where anyone who looks "guilty" might be picked on?

When the IRA first started it's campaign of terror on the British mainland,the Intelligence Forces/Police were told to look for persons of Irish Nationality,or with Irish Accents!Needless to say,99% of the bombers had neither.So restricting our security efforts to one racial/physical group could be very dangerous.

We have to be vigilant altogether,not just in one area.

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