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Has She Any Cause To Complain?

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anotheoldgit | 12:58 Mon 22nd Jul 2013 | News
89 Answers

We see many Far-Right protesters who have been beaten over the head by police with batons, but never hear of them making formal complaints.

Far-Left or Far-Right if they take p[art in such confrontations should expect to suffer the consequences.


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in defence of aog, he has not to my knowledge linked to that site before, so I doubt he's bookmarked it. My guess is he just found it while googling something like "the truth about UAF" and posted the link without realising the site's full unpleasnatness.

So, you would put it down to carelessness or stupidity then jno?
I don't know that either is correct; simple "ignorance" might do. If I see a web page I like, I don't necessarily tour the whole site to check it out, and I can't blame others for not doing so.
WShether or not we agree with someone's views, if they are injured while protesting, by whoever, of course they have a right to complain, and seek justice against the perpetrator(s).
Typos! I'd ban 'em all if I could.

Metapedia is pretty...umm...'out there'.

Where else could you find this kind of sentiment outside the mind of Andres Breivik???

[i]Homosexualism is a psychopathology and subsection of Sexual Bolshevism which encourages human males to participate in abnormal "sexual" relations with each other. The modern idea began in decadent urban centres of liberal-capitalist Western Europe during the 19th century; the term "homosexual" was coined in 1869. The modern movement was politicised by Magnus Hirschfeld✡ a Jewish Marxist, who used it as means to undermine gentile society; this was carried on by the likes of Wilhelm Reich✡ of SEXPOL.[i]

Holy crap!

oh dear
Interesting read about the disgraceful thugs of the UAF:

Anti-fascists fuel the fire of hate


No problem with your link. Verifiable and from a trusted source.
of course the trusted source did get one of his reports sufficiently wrong that the BBC director general had to quit.
but he didn't that time. or so it would seem.
AOG - I am still waiting for you to return to your thread.

Can it be that you, who so vocifourously attack anyone who offends your own political sensibilities, is preparing to simply pretend that the offence you have caused did not happen?

I for one would be disappointed if this was the case.
Get used to that feeling of disappointment, Andy.
Question Author
AB Editor

/// AOG - don't post trash like that on The AnswerBank again. I will not have this site associated with such hate. ///

I was unaware what that site represented, I only came across it carrying out a search in defence of the continuous anti-right insults along with personal insults against myself.

It would seem that this site is primarily a left wing site and anyone who dares to oppose that side of politics, is attacked and even in my case openly criticised in front of my attackers by no other than the editor of this site, this is the second time I have been openly chastised by you, and yet I have never known you to chastised any others in such away.

I thought that this was a free speech country and can see nothing where I have said anything wrong, this is what I extracted from that site which I thought opposed only the Anti fascist group.

////Unite Against Fascism (abbreviated as UAF), nicknamed Unite Against Freedom by the indigenous, is a pro-genocide, Europhobic hate group and street mob in the United Kingdom, made up mostly of middle-class college student degenerates and third-world colonists. It is created and ran by the leadership of the Trotskyite Socialist Worker's Party, which itself was created by Jewish communist Yigael Gluckstein✡ born in the Zionist State in Palestine.

Created as a squadist group, its main purpose is to promote genocide and ethnic cleansing against native people in the United Kingdom. It does this by trying to stop indigenous rights activists from enjoying freedom of speech and association. It was created by the Trots as a response to the growing electoral success of the British National Party, which now receives over half a million votes. UAF works for the social, cultural, economic, political and religious disenfranchisement of native Europeans in general, but particularly the working-class.

UAF have links to high profile domestic terrorist attacks. During the Planet of the Apes riots in 2011 which swept the country and led to the murder of pensioner Richard Mannington Bowes, UAF members such as Jacob Bard-Rosenberg,✡ Mark Bergfeld✡ and Jennifer Izaakson✡ helped to incite the initial disturbances.[1] The perpetrator of the Woolwich attack in 2013, the killer of soldier Lee Rigby, was Michael Adebolajo who spoke at a UAF rally at Harrow in 2009.[2][3] Because of the threat to public safety, it is recommended that vigilantes independently investigate UAF terrorist cells in your local area and make sure the local community have details of members and their connection to these attacks. ////

Since that was not removed by you, I can only assumed that it broke no rules, but only upset those who continuously attack the right of politics, and who in turn almost forced you to take some action against me.

But judging by how much I have upset so many people perhaps it will be best to bow out of Answerbank a site that I have spent many enjoyable hours in my old age, but it seems it is now getting far too serious.

But I would be obliged Ed if you will take the opportunity to voice your concerns via my personal email address rather than the unprofessional way of doing it on open forum.
I've seen the Ed chastise others
AOG, you, like me, may be old enough to remember Blair Peach. Having your brains knocked out by the police seems a terrible penalty to pay for going on a protest march.
AOG - I for one would be sad if you were to leave the AB.

From my own perspective, and I think I would be in keeping with the majority here - an approach that mistakes can be made is reasonable - I have made them on here, as I freely admit.

But it is the speed and willingness to acknowledge and repair offence caused unwittingly that counts among the wider populace.

To simply plead being under attack and to infer that there is some kind of leftist plot against you is frankly beneath your acknowledged intellect.

As I suggested - and did not receive a response - a simple apology for a simple error would have seen the matter put to rest yesterday.

If you choose to absent yourself, that would be a shame, but I for one cannot let you take the moral high ground and infer that you have been hounded out and obliged to leave - that is simply not true.
Ah, the skillful AOG apology like no other: "Sorry that I have to deal with being persecuted all the time." Wonderful.
Please don't leave AOG .....
When you link to another site you have to be aware that people may just follow that and there can be implications from that for them.

I'm more than happy to accept that AOG didn't research the background of the site (although obviously it's generally wise to do so) - I'd imagine that the Ed would too.

It really isn't an attack on free speech nor anything personal and that's why I just wanted to draw it to the Ed's decision because this sort of decision can be a very fine line.

At the end of the day I'm guessing the Ed simply decided that AB should avoid links to white supremacist neo Nazi sites

I'm sure a similar decision would be made with respect to say sites hosting Islamist propanagnda

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