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Gang culture rears it's ugly head once again.

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anotheoldgit | 12:41 Sun 16th Oct 2011 | News
85 Answers

I have to repeat once again, when are our politicians going to stop pussy footing about and take constructive and severely strict measures to stamp out this ever increasing gang culture amongst some of our young?

Look at these young faces, they are so hard looking what causes this? They have all there lives in front of them and they have to ruin it, why?

Good the judge decided to allow for these young thugs to be identified, why cannot it be the norm in all young criminal's cases?

Be interested to know what ABers might suggest would be an answers to the problem, without the usual "Bring back National service" because we all know that is never going to happen, more to the pity.


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/// Teaching children respect and values will give us mature and responsible adults,///

You are right that will never happen, in fact it would also never work.

A very large part of their education includes teaching them green issues and respect of the environment, but do they listen?

No, as soon as they leave those school gates behind, they are dropping their litter, or breaking down young trees etc, etc.
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/// I'm no specialist on Classics, but I'm pretty sure that this explanation has long been outdated by... y'know, actual scholarship and research. Don't let that get in your way though ;) ///

Before you poo-poo my suggestions, perhaps you should do your research.

Why did Rome Fall?

There are adherents to single factors, but more people think a combination of such factors as Christianity, decadence, lead, monetary trouble, and military problems caused the Fall of Rome. Imperial incompetence and chance could be added to the list. Even the rise of Islam is proposed as the reason for Rome's fall, by some who think the Fall of Rome happened at Constantinople in A.D. 1453.

Notice 'decadence' is mentioned, 'monetary trouble', and 'military problems' and surprise,surprise, so is 'Islam'.

Sounds rather familiar to today's problems.

And whereas I don't possibly agree with this, (so don't rush to label me homophobic), it makes for interesting reading.

AOG - I am not talking about school age children - old enough to drop litter.

I am talking about nursery education which is woefully under-funded and does not receive the respect it deserves, given its importance as children's place of learning to interact and respect others, including authority figures.
Shouldn't that come from the parents Andy?
Agree with BOO. Sorry Andy, I think early education is the duty of parents and guardians and I think education resources should be ploughed into main stream education.
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Perhaps that should be the responsibility of the parents, to bring them up properly, instead of pushing them off to a nursery for others to bring them up.

At one time couples had to think hard if they could afford for the female to give up her job so has to have children.
(Dare I say, I would quite happily see nursery and pre school funding reduced - I think that some people really need to use nurseries because of their circumstances, and respect that - but I certainly don't think it should be considered essential in any way).

As far as I am concerned the majority of antisocial behaviour is a result of bad or nonchalent parenting.
We agree AOG ;o)
Boo, Lottie and AOG - this is precisely my point.

We have one generation, and another on the way, who have absolutely no parenting skills what ever. They do not know the meaning of interaction and respect, so they cannot pass it on to their children.

Which is why I advocate proper nursery education, properly staffed and funded, to teach the next generation proper behaviour and respect, which they can grow with, and pass on to their children. In two, maybe three generations, there will be an improvement, but a start has to be made.

So yes, it is very much the responsibillity of parents - but the vicious circle of absented responsibility has to be broken, and it will persist in the homes, so it must be broken in nursery, and onwards into schools.

If nurseries and schools were respected properly, and funded properly, we would start mending the dreadful fractures in our society - but that needs to come from government, with the money and respect starting there - and that will never happen.

Education is a political football, each ministry tinkers and messes, and does nothing to address fundamental issues, while telling everyone that standards are hopeless, and teachers are inadequate.

We must start looking at our education from youngest upwards, not, as at present, from oldest downwards.

That's the way - but it won't happen in my lifetime - if ever.
Andy, with respect, how can nursery schools teach children on a one to one basis as parents do and when these little children return home to parents who are not interested, don't care, and act anti socially themselves they (the children) will not have benefitted in the least. Children learn naturally from their parents by example during the course of everyday life out and about in society - not by being in nursery schools with nursery teachers.

I just don't agree with you - sorry! :o(
You would have to put them in nursery schools on a boarding basis - much like they did in communist countries - keep them apart from their families. It didn't work though!! It has been proved not to work.
But children spend a large amount of time in nursery/school...It should be taught at both school and home.

Lottie - your son went to boarding school. Would you have let him go if they didn't have high standards?
the only way I can see us ever taking a better grip of this problem is through better management and possibly the legalisation of recreational drugs.
Gang culture in Britain is ruled, I'd say pretty much exclusively, by the drug trade.
While these little scally kids are seeing dealers driving round in flash cars with glammed up dolly-birds without having had to work a day in their life, they want a piece of that life. They're not being lead along the right path by parents etc. and they're getting sucked into the culture at a very young age because dealers and gang members know thay can use them... kind of in a similar way as in the film City of God.
If we can take away their goal, by taking the control of the drug trade from the dealers, they're less likely to take that path.
The problem is how do we do that?
Of course not ummmm. I agree that school plays a part, but for the first few years of life I think the responsibility should be the parents, perhaps enforced for nursery/school, but nursery schools wouldn't stand a chance if little kids returned to disfunctional families every night.

My son boarded from age 11, not age 2!! ;o)
'reinforced by nursery/school'!!
Said it before, and i'll say it again...

Clamp down on the benefit system! Stop it becoming a viable income for many of these young mothers who are frankly popping babies out like peas as the benefits these children generate can often outstrip most working peoples wages. These children are not wanted in the way most of us understand, they've become, for want of a better phrase- a money earner, and as such are not receiving much beyond being basically dragged up, and some of that is done begrudgingly.
You are so right BOO!
Boo, I think your argument and mine stem from the same issue.. people wanting something for nothing ... and seeing you can actually get it. What incentive is there to put effort in?
You'd think, given that we're in a recession, people would want to work harder to achieve what they want but it's become to ingrained in our culture to feel we deserve something for nothing and to feel sorry for ourselves if we don't get it. To blame someone else.
That's exactly why I get so fed up of all these people whinging about foreigners coming here and 'stealing' our jobs. If it's us vs them and they're better, we need to get improve, not start blaming everyone else!
Materialist and blame culture - want, want, want, but don't want to do anything themselves to achieve what they want.
Just seen this.....I'm honestly lost for words....

Arghhhhhh, just stop their bloody benefits, don't reward them! Grrrr!!!!

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