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Can someone help me stuff these?

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AB Editor | 11:26 Fri 14th Oct 2011 | Christmas
22 Answers
I need to put these jokes into the crackers for this year. Take care though, some are ancient: http://www.theanswerb...s/Question970867.html

New additions welcome, but they need to be of a vintage.



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keep trying Ed...your Christmas spirit will be all used up by the first of December at this rate...

What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back

A stick
Question Author
A classic: What's brown and sticky?

A stick.
Oh dear...better ease back on the Brandy butter ... they are getting worse..
My nephew told me one the other that cracked me up.

What's invisible and smells like bananas???

A monkeys fart!
Bah, humbug.

Why aren't there any aspirin in the jungle?

Because the parrots-eat-em-all.

why did tarzan have a plastic loin cloth
To keep his nuts jungle fresh (you need to be old enough to remember the ads)
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-- answer removed --
'What's green, has 8 legs and if it fell out of a tree would kill you?'

'Snooker table'

I'll get me coat.
Why should you go to the beach when you're hungry?

Because of all the sand which is there
what's black & shiney and sails the ocean?.....

binbag the sailor
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I must say, some of these are heroically awful.
Q What happens to red pants if you put them in water?

A They get wet.
What makes men chase women they have no intention of marrying?

The same urge that makes dogs chase cars they have no intention of driving.

What is the difference between a fork lift and a male giraffe

One has hydraulics one has high........
Sophie Ellis Baxter has been found dead in a french footballers appartment... Investigating officers say she was head butted to death.

Local papers say... It was murder on Zidane's floor.

>>>>Ok i'll get me coat :0)
my personal all time fav
Why do elephants have big ears?
Because Noddy wont pay the ransom,boom boom.
How do you know elephants have been making love in your back garden

your bin liners have knots in them
Q. Where do you find a one legged dog?

A. Where you left it.


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Can someone help me stuff these?

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