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Sacked for being British?

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anotheoldgit | 16:01 Fri 14th Oct 2011 | News
17 Answers

These two women claim they have been sacked for being British.

Have they got a case for unfair dismissal, or is it just a sign of the times?


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Definitely be interesting to see what comes of it.
should we not be more worried about the fact that British people are considered lazy?
I think the growing trend of people screaming for British jobs for British people is leaving some Brits feeling 'entitled' to a job just because of their nationality. If you're not as good at your job as others then you deserve the sack.
Don't know, AOG - but someone booked a hotel at Gatwick for me last year which turned out to be the Travelodge - and if the standard of housekeeping I experienced is anything to go by, whoever was supposed to be doing the work at that time deserved to be sacked - whatever their ethnicity. Never again!
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Reading between the lines it sounds as if the accusation is that they're employing foreign workers at below the minimum wage and asking her to falsify timesheets to cover that up.

She refused and they sacked her.

If true it's pretty out rageous but to claim that it was because she was British is just sensationalising it to get attention.

Seems to have been successful
Well That's what they claim. On the other hand, according to the company: "In disciplinary letters, [Ms Judge] was accused of violence, discriminating against other workers on grounds of nationality and language and was told her paperwork was a “shambles”."

Be interesting to see what an industrial tribunal would make of it...
I would say they have a case, and nothing new about employing foreign workers because they are cheaper. One wonders if many of the staff are on the cards, pay tax, insurance, it's one way some companies keep costs down.
It's also illegal em

as illegal as false benefit claimers - possibly worse as it's exploiting vulnerable people.

Needs to be better policing of it
my Grandad was telling us yesterday about his days of working on the docks, he said a certain bunch, I won't say who, were the laziest people he'd ever worked with because they'd spend all their time looking for things to complain about, say they'll only do exactly what they're asked and do everything by the book... only in their favour of course, they'd cut every possible corner if they could get away with it.
I'm basically saying some people spend far too much time feeling sorry for themselves when others will just get on and do the job, who would you rather employ?
it goes on, paying people in cash, it may be illegal, but you have to catch employers doing it, not as easy as you might think. As to British workers being lazy, some are, just like anywhere in the world, but most of those i worked with over many years were not.
this sounds like one where it would be nice to hear all the evidence rather than then bits that make it into the tabloids.
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If they were sacked for being British then yes, they have a case. If, in the case of one of them, she was dismissed for violence, discriminating against other workers on grounds of nationality and language and being telt her paperwork was a “shambles” then she has no case.
As jake-the-peg says, it looks like a case of employing foreign workers at below minimum wage.
If that is the issue - the company, like many others, needs to be investigated. I suspect the "sacked because we are British" thing is effectively nonsense. A shame it's being spun like that, because a lot of issues might be resolved if the real issue was tackled.
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/// Of course the mail would run with the headlines 'sacked for being polish' if that ever happened wouldn't they? ///

Yes along with every other newspaper, not to mention every radio and TV news report, then most likely there would be questions asked in the 'House'.
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i think the lazy brit thing has become a catch all phrase now

whilst there are many lazy brits, there are also many who arent, but thye all get labelled

i think the excuse of laziness for employing foreign workers over brits is often exactly that = an excuse... to get away with paying lower wages, shoddy conditions etc...becasue they know brits wont stand for it and know their rights and know the rules...

it works both ways

that said i too have seen first hand the crappy attitide some have to work these days...i think in some ways its somewhat to do with this celeb culture - they see their lifestyles and feel they deserve it too and think why should they have to work for anything... they have been spoilt and just expect too much...

i think many parents could do with learning the lesson that 'spoiling' your kids is not just being kind, or nice, or giving them a treat, or something to be treated as a bit of fun, and doesnt make you a great parent...its doing exactly what it says...'spoiling' them...

my sis spoils her daughter terribly... i have told her shes spoiling her and i am greeted with a soppy smug grin, a shrug and a 'aw yeh i know, haha', as though she thinks spoiling just means treating...!
her daughter now believes that EVERY single visitor to their house HAS to bring her a gift... because thats what my sis has told her - and us ...and if we don't, the 4 yr old is forlorn and confused...

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