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song from The Water Rats

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netibiza | 10:35 Tue 27th Jan 2009 | Film, Media & TV
518 Answers
Did Kylie Minogue ever sing any songs from the Australian Police series "The Water Rats" and if so, what are they?


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I do Suduko too! Can manage up to the difficult ones on ordinary Suduko (well not always!!), but haven't got the patience to try out all the variations (that means I don't understand what I am meant to be doing).

I find Suduko a good way to stop me worrying but concentrating my mind on something other than my 'worries'.

A Biddies Suduko leaque in the offing!!

Lovely day so far and I am off later to meet my friend who is over from Spain.

Have fun Biddie pals.

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<<<neti drags herself in >>> Am fed up with having to sign-in all the blasted time. I know it's a computer fault cos it's ok on laptop but no wifi at mo.

Hate sudoko, hate anything to do with numbers!! (well unless it's cash!!). I like crosswords etc.

Still horribly hot here, unbearable, we are awaiting a storm to clear the air, but no signs of a storm anywhere.
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What's with the italics oday, are they on the roam???Here there and everywhere!!
Question Author
What's with the italics today, are they on the roam???Here there and everywhere!!
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Sorry folks, am shutting up and shutting down, have to sign-in every time I want to post, giving up!! No no put away the champers, am not going for good, just for a minute or so!!!
heck neti there must be something that can be done?

lol jno...and in reply to your earlier post
do your stuff Charlie...:o).

Weather's turning wild, we've got 40mph winds by the end of the week..I don't think I'll be tottering around in my new shoes.

no need to worry about a new home btw....unless I've been dungeonised of course, I've been kicking a stuck record gotta laugh haven't you?

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Have reinstalled and restarted and rebooted , done everything am just trying it out!
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yay it's worked for now fingers x'd
Gosh's amazing the amount of people who have neighbours with trampolines .And there's me thinking I was the only one .
It's just rained here .I had quite forgotten how wet it could be.
Not enough to revive my brown lawn and droopy shrubs though .
I've been faffing with me washing machine for most of the day .The softener won't go down the hole .Not that I use much of it with the sea air and wind round here but it's been bleached ,poked,scrubbed and and washing soda'd to within an inch of it's life on an empty boil wash all day and seems to be OK now .
Nice to see you Neti I had visions of you and George under a pile of hidden stuff in a cupboard somewhere ,waiting to brought out bit by bit and saying that you had these things for ages :))
Coast tonight ..Neil Oliver fix coming up .
Miss Marple is back on Sunday Robinia with Julia McKenzie this time .I'm hoping she makes a better job of it than Geraldine McEwan.Good actress though she is they miscast her as Marple imho. She was too old dithery ladyish .
I supose I am biased though because I compare them all to Joan Hickson who was my favourite Miss M.
Have a nice evening all .T.pip for now .

yes, looking forward to Miss M shaney, it'll be better than staring out into the darkness...don't you just hate it? :o(

Lots of moths around the light tonight...:o)

Morning...very autumnal here aujourd'hui. I feel as though I should be doing something/going somewhere, it isn't anyone's birthday is it?... nothing on my calendar.
Well nature abhors a vacuum & so does cb it seems...oh well, looks like the vacancies been filled, good luck to them Don't you just love the term 'majority of users on here'? So there are are only a dozen altogether then? Actually, there probably are.

well, I am trying to arrange the biddies autumn outing, and I thought a nice cruise would be in order. It's at the community hall in Hartlepool and you can make Turkish rugs, Egyptian urns etc 74/cruise-the-med-without-leaving-your-own-hom e/?utm_source=010909&utm_medium=benefit&utm_ca mpaign=e
my giddy aunt...I just know I'd get the week when every one was holed up in their cabins with galloping gut-rot
*refrains from illustrating jno's ant&dec headline* G'day biddies, I have come to tell you about cows. No really. Yesterday I was out on a number of wild goose chases and then I had a meal at Govinda's. (I'm most definitely not Hare Krishna but them nuts sure do know how to wield a lassi maker.) In the shop I saw some lovely postcards with cows, most of them white like in my dream the other night. I asked the shopkeeper a question and she started telling me about an Indian project Govinda's support, Care for Cows, and the things she told me made me cry. Old cows no longer needed roaming the streets eating plastic bags and so on, and when she told me about the project there was such an unbelievable correspondence between my dream and her story I felt I had been called - laugh if you will but I really did - and so I donated a sum of money.

Have a look at their site, the pictures are lovely even if you're not interested in their cause: care for cows In the gallery there's a whole album of cows snoozing, ha ha. This is - lajjasila snoozing. A word of warning if you click the booklet link, there are some stories and photos in it that are hard to bear.

I don't like Geraldine McEwan or Julia McKenzie (as Miss Marple, I should say). Stopped watching it as the stories are always the same aren't they, there's always someone who hasn't been around since they were a child in India or Torquay and now they're around again but under another name and they are the killer. But just out of boredom I watched an episode last week and it was so extremely well made I enjoyed every minute of it. it was this one - if you remember. Guess you've all seen it yonks ago...
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Morning all - takes so long to sign-in now.

Miss Marple? there was only ever one for me, Margaret Rutherford! Anyone remember her?

Have any of you see "The Way we used to live"? I am finding it fascinating and it has cleared up lots of questions I had re: National Health etc. Brilliant programme, orignally made for schools.

Weather still hasn't broken, it's awful, really. Will try to get back on again but who knows �quien sab�
I remember her :)))
Ah jno,

This needs your input!!!! 804321.html

Afternoon everybody. I am recovering from my outburst yesterday. Very enjoyable it was.

Neti, yes I used to watch that programme 'How We Used to Live'. I watched it with a group of children in primary school when I worked there, about 15 years ago now. I wonder whether they are reruns on have they made a new series that we make me feel even older - I feel very much part of history already.

Got to do some ironing. We are going away on Friday and I have been putting it off all week. Still it won't take too long to iron our foul weather clothing and woolly jumpers don't need an iron.

I really love cows Swedie. Don't care much for horses - well actually I'm a bit scared of them unless they are on the other side of a fence - but cows, well they are lovely!!!
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Lottie they were made by Yorkshire tv in 1981, so must be the same! I got very nostalgic and got out my Identity card, ah bless me!!!

I don't like horses cos they've got a mind of their own when I tried to ride one, no brake or clutch (well I clutched his ears) - horrible and I believe they bite. Don't much like cows either but we don't have many here so don't ever see any!!

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