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Emmerdale gay Kiss

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hopalong | 13:54 Tue 03rd Jan 2006 | Film, Media & TV
21 Answers
I am not homophobic I have no problems with gays nor do I have a problems with gay charactors on TV but I felt the gay kiss in Emmerdale went too far.


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Haven't you just contradicted yourself? If you 'have no problems with gays' how can the gay kiss have gone too far?

What I think hopalong meant is that the graphic depicition of a homosexual relationship on a 7 p.m. soap is going too far.

I haven't seen the episode, so I can't comment completely, but wheras I applaud the drama department for addressing the issues of gay couples, and their relationship with their community, the Gratuitous display of gat affection in that contect, and more importatnly that time of the evening, is a step too far.

Parents need to address akk asoects of adult liofe, inclduing sexuality, with their children, but forcing the issue by showing gay kissing in pursuit of ratings is inappropriate and should not be allowed.

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I DONT have a problem with gays but I don't want it rammed down my thoat

hopalong - could you clarify your last post please :)
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that's correct Andy, that is waht i meant
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Drisgirl, what do you want clarfying
Thanks. And the question is?
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I was talking about andy hughes

if it makes you feel better i ain't a homofo but i disliked it as well!

There is never any objection to hetrosexual couples kissing, regardless of the time of day....I'm sure most gay people dont see that as it being "rammed" down their throat. Why should this be any different ?

I think like you hopalong 7 oclock is to early to showing

this.I am glad I dont have children sitting watching it with me.maybe I am old fashioned but the tv companys seem to be getting away with anything nowrdays.

Hi khana - it's different becvause we live ina society where the majority of people are heterosexual, and heterosexual kissing is seen as 'normal' (I'm using that word in its literal sense) behaviour.

The point is, understanding of other ways of loving and living require a certain level of sophistication which young children - watching at seven p.m. - simply do not possess, and it is wrong to force parents to confront and explain these issues before may they, or their children - are ready.

I reiterate my earlier point - I do appreciate the need to observe all sections and stratas of society in order to create a believable soap opera (if that's not an oxymoron!) but gay relationships can be dealt with without the need for something as overt as kissing. For some people that is a shocking and distressing sight. I know it should be seen for what it is - an epxression of love and affection, but we have to live in society as it is, not as we would like it to be.

There are times and places and platforms to inform, educate, and entertain people about sensitive issues in our culture - Emmerdale showing gay men kissing at 7.00 p.m. on national TV is none of these.

Hear, hear Khana (and nicely argued Andy but I must side with Khana!). If Hopalong doesn't object to male-female kisses at 7pm, then that is arrant homophobia whether he/she claims to have no probelm with gays or not. And in my experience, exposing kids to the fact that two men can love each other and have as valid a relationship as two hets, leads to a far more well-rounded and well-balanced person, rarely tainted by homophobia.

Do any of you actually know the meaning of the word you use so often - homophobia!!??

It is basically a hatred of homosexuals.

I don't hate homosexuals but it doesn't mean I have to be comfortable with watching two men kissing.

I get fed up with people accusing anyone who disagrees with their view as being homophobic.

Surely those who are less comfortable with the overt showing of a physical gay relationship have as much right to voice their opinion as those who are comfortable - without being accused of homophobia.

j certainly dont want my kids watching ************ kissing at 7 pm on the tv.emmerdale bosses should know better.
It doesn't matter to me what time of day it is. It makes me feel very uncomfortable. But then so does seeing naked couples cavorting in films. No I'm not a prude, there's just a place for everything.
I did not watch Emmerdale, so I can't comment on that specific kiss or scene. The question is: would the same scene, with exactly the same amount of intimacy and emotion, have been acceptable to show at the same time, if it had been a heterosexual kiss? If yes, then the gay kiss was acceptable. If no, then not. Anybody who wants to apply different thresholds of what is "acceptable" to different sexual orientations is indeed homophobic.

I think if kids where exposed to this at an earlier age there would be less fear and homophobia, and therefore less instances of violent crime stemming from fear of the unknown, ignorance and "thinking its weird" in later life.

I didn't think many young kids watch emmerdale anyway - I don't have any though so i just assumed it wouldn't interest them.

any who are old enough to watch murderers, liars, cheats, bigots, racists, violence and death etc in a soap are old enough to know about the one thing that some would put with that list that doesn't actually harm anyone else!!

i notice very few complained about the lesbian kiss on brookside years ago - or was this because they were women....

Bernardo and Joko: spot on. The kneejerk concern about kids watching is unfounded - surely it's better for a kid to ask 'Why are those two men kissing, mummy?' and have it explained honestly and sensibly than to react with the customary 'Urrrrrgh!' that rings through playgrounds nationwide whenever the subject arises. If parents are unhappy about doing that (while happily letting their kids watch violence) I would question their parenting skills.

LynneUK's patronising post sadly confuses etymology with usage. Any action or opinion that refuses to put homesexuality on a par with heterosexuality is deemed homophobic - actual hatred doesn't need to come into it. That is the usage, not just my personal opinion. No-one is necessarily accusing you, Lynne, of hatred - just of not giving gay relatonships the same validity you give straight ones.

And let's not forget that this is one tiny storyline/occurrence out of thousands and thousands. Gay men and women have to spend 99% of their lives immersed in images and occurrences of heterosexuality, both in real life and on TV. Should they really be begrudged one (well written and represented) story?

Joko is absolutely right when he links increased exposure with a decrease in fear and ignorance. It's time the straight population got over it.

thanks QM, its so obvious it baffles me how people think.

by the way 'he' is a 'she'...;o)

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