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Where On Earth Is Emmerdale Being Filmed For The Waterfall Scenes

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bennynobrain | 20:09 Tue 19th Oct 2021 | Film, Media & TV
16 Answers
It looks more like Iceland than Yorkshire I thought Aysgarth Falls . All my searches led to spoilers rather than locations


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It took place on Kim's many-thousand acre estate...the one with a raging river, rapids, waterfalls and gigantic rock faces and fantastic views over...well, who can tell (don't forget this was a trial for survival on her land). The mini-Amazon river where two couples fall in, get buffeted seemingly miles downstream, only to be conveniently still in their...
11:34 Wed 20th Oct 2021
At Tees Barrage Benny
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Thanks but I meant the gorge scene not the white water rafting . For some reason I can’t post my question from my iPad only my iPhone , my list doesn’t even appear on the site on my iPad
I've lost touch. At the start it was filmed at Esholt, Shipley, near where I was born and raised and my sister accidently became involved in the opening credits by riding on her usual route. Then it moved to film sets at Leeds, now I haven't a clue.
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Thanks I can see where the white water bits were filmed but just wonder where the river ran through the gorge and the rope bridge snapped . Thank you again
its mainly gordale scar with some added computer effects (the raging water)
The raging water effects were the Tees barrage, plenty of photos online. They also used green screens to add appropriate scenery.
Anybody else think that the screaming was OTT?
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Thanks for all your help .
Great day for filming and great scenery .
It took place on Kim's many-thousand acre estate...the one with a raging river, rapids, waterfalls and gigantic rock faces and fantastic views over...well, who can tell (don't forget this was a trial for survival on her land).
The mini-Amazon river where two couples fall in, get buffeted seemingly miles downstream, only to be conveniently still in their respective pairs...all the better to chat to each other.
And when the doctor and vicar finally haul themselves out, who's there to spy on them? Why murderous Meena, who must have run several miles overland to exactly the right spot at the right time, too.
The whole episode was absolute nonsense.
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Brilliant gingejbee. Never laughed so much until I watched Coronation Street that followed
It was ludricous and hilarious in equal amounts...lots of shouting at the screen!
(Thanks for BA too).
The waterfall is High Force near Middleton -In-Teesdale
i still say the gorge is gordale scar i know it well for the gorge shots ,yes teesdale for the rapids Nottingham's got the same type too

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