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That'll Teach Me.

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gness | 19:19 Sat 17th May 2014 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
Not to have been in such a hurry to give away Mum's furniture when she went into the home.

Three young flat mates bought a sofa from a charity shop....and later found £24,000 stuffed in the cushions....

It belonged to a 91 year old woman whose family had donated her furniture when she became ill....hmmmm...☺


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Oh boy, I'd be pulling the stuffing outta that sofa now.
Claim it back, gness! X
That must have been some pillow fight!
Old people are devious - the old biddy probably hid it in the cushions so that the family wouldn't be able to find it.

Clearing out my dad's house after he died was hilarious. I didn't realise that so many books and unworn clothing could be contained in such a small house. Then we made the mistake of opening the shed door ....................
I saw that story too, gness. Wasn't it in the US or Canada and the lovely students traced the owner and gave it all back. What honesty! Nice story though.
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It was New York, Los...and they had the sofa a while before they found it and managed to trace the old lady....I hope the family was generous with a reward.
i took an armchair apart once when i'd lost a fifty pence coin
My BIL had an uncle who died, they found money hidden all over the house. Even inside the covers of LP's, my SIL let it slip that the notes all smelt of mothballs, of course this had all been turned over to the Solicitor who was dealing with the estate. At the time we were selling a car, and the nephew said he wanted it and would pay us cash for it. He paid up and the cash stunk of mothballs.
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Ohhh, makes you cross, Gran.....x
My brother found over £5000 in the back of an organ that he bought in second hand shop, it was in the early 1980s and all in old notes, when trying to change it at a bank he had trouble trying to prove his story lol.
How's things with you these days, aunty askyourgran ;-), made good money off that car lol.
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Why would you put money in an organ and forget Saintpeter?....mind you....a friend of mine worked in a factory and collected cash from workmates each week for the works outing.
She hid the money in an old copper boiler in the shed. One day when the scrap man came around her husband gave the boiler to them..guess he wanted the room for his mags or whatever...
Anyway, that was the works outing up the spout....but some happy scrap merchants....☺
Smelly money tonyav - felt awful taking it to the bank.
Not doing too bad but selling the house is frustrating.
I read once of a pair of heavy curtains donated to oxfam, when they were bough the buyer wanted to update them a bit and found al lot of cash stitche into in the lining. because she bought them in oxfam for charity she returned the cash...I don't have a link but remember it was a great story at the time
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Hi, Ducksie....isn't it great when people return found cash....

How are you doing?...x
Not doing too bad but selling the house is frustrating.

Problems ayg ?.
Hi Gness, I doing great - thanks for asking :)

That story I remembered was a while back - maybe 3 yrs or so but it was great, it was a very large sum of money, I ask myself sometimes would I have returned it ??

of course I would ;)
After my mum passed away in 1996, me and siblings slowly went round house and found bits of money every where. in drawers, cupboards, walldrobes, among lining etc, Collected £10,000 all in all. We were gobsmacked as she and dad brought up 10 kids with her skimping and scraping.
we still wonder if we found it all by the time the house was sold!
Could have been under lino, floorboards. carpets. lol.
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Of course you would, Ducksie!!! I know you....☺

Puss....we found bits of money everywhere in mum's house but like you... did we find it all?
Bad luck gness. Never mind, you can make back that 24,000 easily enough. Can't you? Can't you?! Oh... bad luck :(

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