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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 11:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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I had a really productive day yesterday....was planning the same today but that water leak what was fixed isn't so I am shut in with the dogs keeping then quiet while plumber man does his stuff.... actually its no ones fault....until the area had dried out properly it wan't possible to see that the stop tap was still oozing.
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ouchies Jno, I get random cramp too
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oh and my hoover (dyson) has died. Dyson are sending me the part for free but in the mean time my carpet is starting to look like my garden flowerbeds
Good morning all.
I get a lot of cramp lately whenever I move a foot. The other night my big toe bent right forward over the foot. It was agony poor Mr N didnt have a clue what to do, he just rubbed until it loosened.
Am waiting to be interviewed for market research abput make up for older women.
Shaney posted today! Its good.
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plumber has been and gone. Apparently I am imperial not metric. This means he has managed to fix the tap this time but when it finally gives up the ghost I will need a length of pipe removed which sounds painful. So now we start the drying out process again....
Hello all
Another dreary cold day. I think it could be a degree warmer than yesterday though.I've got cramp too ,but it's not in my leg:(
I bought some iced fruit cake bars .Big mistake.
Ooh that's great Neti.Thank you so much xx
Glad you're all fixed now Woofy .Leaky stuff in lavs is no joke.
Did market research today by a young girl looking to start make up lessons for oldies. Said my make up was good and i looked ok. Suggested a few tips
I refused payment as she'll need all she has.

afternoon all...good news - the snow and ice has gone. Bad news - it's wild, wet and the wind's howling down the chimbley. Glad I went to the shops before it started but it did take a dizzy/nausea pill to get me there. I keep coming over all hot and sickly, it's horrible, I think it's a virus. I thought I was going to have to strip down to my libby and stick my head in a freezer in Iceland. Have I mentioned I hate winter?

Cramp anywhere is awful, thankfully I rarely have them in bed now. I get a lot in my rib muscles. Rich food annoys my insides too.

My dyson's sitting forlornly at the bottom of the stairs waiting to be carried up. Chance of that today - very slim. It hasn't got a face like George, I have a vivid imagination.
I've bought some 'magic sponges'. If I leave them in the kitchen tonight will everywhere be sparkling tomorrow morning?

Neti since buying this more expensive foundation I realise you do get what you pay for...but I still love my cheap moisturiser.
I have never really worn foundation, didnt need it when young and still dont like it.
Shaney she recommended that That real mascara
without knowing that I use it
So i now have to scour the net for a cheaper one than the last one I bought.
I got it on Ebay Neti . I can't think of the name now but I used it all and have got an Avon one atm.
What else did she recommend for oldies? I need a face lift :)
Wow clever me. Just ordered a big one from as Spain doesnt sell them, ans only £9 inc postage. Just hope their exchange rate isnt too ridiculous!
Oh bummer just been advised that it is due to arrive 21-27 dec, so doubtful ill get it now til after los Reyes!!
Yesterday i twice had to mop up a puddle by the bath, first time I put it down to MrN having an enthusiatic bath. I mentioned it to him and he ended it before I got up this am. He replaced the flexible pipe going to the tank. So glad i didnt have to wait. I hate wasting water here as we dont have much as the sea is coming into the wells. Desalinated water is gross.
Morning all.
Hope you are feeling better Robi and Shaney!
I got up with the cat at 3 and went outside to see meteor shower. Was a beautiful night sky but missed the shower..
I foolishly had a two-hour nap yesterday afternoon. Result: no sleep at all last night. Oh well, at least I've done some useful picture editing. Now I've got a few things to attend to before I collapse in a heap. I is, makeup free and sporting fifty shades of grey. Actually it's only three shades, or five if you count my face and my hair (disguised by three shades of blonde).

I think I'm gathering speed thanks neti.
I've found I sleep better if I'm early to bed and early to rise but the healthy, wealthy and wise bit isn't too obvious. I did win yet another lucky dip last night though (4th)

We had a shower last night....a bloomin snow shower. Two text messages suddenly arrived asking if I'd looked outside. People love to share good news don't they?

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I won a lucky dip last night as well! Its cold breezy and wet here. Nothing else to report
Afternoon all
Still cold .It snowed here last night too but didn't lay.
Had a phone call from the physio people.They're going to send me a sheet of exercises for my back after asking me loads of questions. How they can diagnose how bad it is over the phone is a mystery.
I'll give it a go but I think it ought to be scanned to find out exactly what's going on .I don't like making a fuss as I know they're strapped for resources .Perhaps I'll have to bite the bullet and pay for it .
Hope you're all ok.
perhaps you have skype on your phone and they are secretly examining your muscles, shaney?

Good news here is that our favourite osteopath's relationship has broken up! This means he has returned from California and will be able to come and sort our backs out again, though I gather he is going through a period of mourning before resuming work.

I don't want to sound mean but Southern California's loss is Northern London's gain.
Shaney Id be a bit worried doing back excerises without knowing what was really wrong.
Jno thats not very friendly, poor man. Maybe if jno jnr moves out ( new girlfriend!) He can move in!!

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