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refund policy

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CAROLT | 14:02 Thu 26th Jul 2007 | Law
4 Answers
would anyone know what my rights are with regards to obtaining a refund/exchange. I purchased an item in a large store where the department in question is in the basement & has very poor lighting. The item (a dress)
was not in the sale but I noticed some damage & obtained a discount. Upon returning home, the damage, in the daylight is far worse than I had thought. I rang their head office to be told that refunds etc in these circumstances is at the stores discretion & am still waiting for the store to make contact with me.....but where., legally, do I stand.


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Sorry to say but absolutely nowhere. If they offer you a refund, it is purely at their own discretion. You were aware of the fault at the time of purchase, and you negotiated a price based on that.
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This is a little bit naughty, but if it was me i would go and buy the same iteam again in perfect condition, then take the stained dress back with the recet of the perfect dress and say that it was like that when you got it home. If they question you just say "Are you calling me a liar" and ask to see the manager, they'll probably be to fightened to and give you your money back.
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Thanks for your replies.......yes I noticed the damage first & negotiated a discount (I wasn't trying to get out of my responsibility for this!) but the damage I thought to be water damage was in fact a chemical -the store is being redecorated at present.
The absolutely delightful manager telephoned me this afternoon & asked me to take the dress back... I did & was given a full refund. I was also asked for my opinion on the lighting etc in the store & he said that the placement of his department in the basement was of concern & one of the reasons for a refurb. This man was courteous, professional & had no idea of my spending pattern in that store as I paid cash so it wasn't as if he was protecting future business.
He retains a customer who cannot speak more highly of the store & he (quite rightly) can persue an insurance loss or persue the shop fitters/decorators.

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