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Will I still be able to qualify?

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gu2 | 00:33 Fri 20th Jun 2008 | Criminal
14 Answers
I was recently charged with 2 counts of common assault. I attacked the couple who I thought had stolen my purse from my car on a busy high street. It was a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I have just finished my law degree but I now have a criminal record. Will I still be able to do my LPC so I can become a solicitor? Or now that I have a criminal rrecord will I be excluded?


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Doesn't sound like being in the wrong place at the wrong time - sounds like acting without thinking. I wouldn't use that expression if they talk to you about it if I were you.

Any way see here /Detail.aspx?r=1268

One other new development that might have caught the eye of would-be solicitors is the introduction of Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks before admission to the Roll. This year for the first time the information given by applicants about any convictions will be checked with the CRB before they can be admitted to the profession. The Law Society does not make any absolute prohibition on entry, but takes seriously offences such as dishonesty and deception.
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Well done Tetjam !!.

I think she's too stupid to be a Chav.

I don't believe this idiot ?.

She attacked a couple " who she thought" had stolen her purse !.

Why didn't you just call the Police ?.

Your not fit to be a Solictor, my advice get a job at McDonalds, work hard you never know you might get a star.

why are people on here so quick to judge?
You do silly things when in a certain state of mind.
Logically we behave but now and again something happens and we kick off.
Some one stole your purse, some people would have called the police and some would given chase and put the boot in when they catch the beggers.
You chose the latter. It was the wrong thing for you to do seeing that have choosen this particular profession.
I don't know if this will affect u practicing but there are some people in this profession who have done a lot worse and kept their licenses.
Please scroll down to my answer, with relevant links, here: estion564125.html

When I was going through to qualification it seems that the more frowned upon offences were those involving dishonesty such as fraud, theft, dodging fines and that kind of thing which doesn't bode well for the responsibility you have as a solicitor over client's money and details and such.

Have a confidential word with the Law Society.

They do have a junior lawyers section as well now so they may be worth a try...
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Thank you kindly to those of you who took the time to write decent and informative answers. For the dumb people previous, you do not know the facts. So keep your pointless comments to yourself. I was parked on a busy high street and someone reached into my car from the open window and stole my purse. It was so quick and busy that I simply got the wrong person when I gave chase. Many people were shouting and I became confused. It was a slap dash decision to chase after them, but my purse was found three yards from the couple. Therefore I am not a chav and you judgemental people are probably less than angelic yourselves. I just hope no one ever steals your property. Or for that matter, maybe I do then you will feel as I did.
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and for the record, the two never received any real injuries because i am a very small girl and i did not use force. i simply slapped at the guy thinking he had my purse
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Mon 09/06/08
09:39 I read the last posting.

You losted it with the EX, grabbed her round the throat yes?

Look mate, we all lose it, but sometimes you just gotta put your hands up.

Be a man and take whatever happens to you like a man.

I losted it with a bloke in a pub and smashed a glass in his face, I got 4.5 yrs.

Pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and move on, lifes too short buddy

funny bravo, i thought i was the stupid one? at least i had a reason for hitting someone once with a flimsy shoe. You're the mug who got sent down for a pub brawl. Above is a quote from yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you think I honestly care what you think or say ?...

Remember : Your the one asking for advice, your the one crying like a little baby and your the mug who isn't going to be a Solictor..I did a crime, I got convicted, I moved on, un-like you.

You remind me of a typical wrapped up in cotton wool no idea of the world graduate.

I am glad you have a criminal record, I am glad you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Forget the job an McDonalds : I wouldn't want you serving me with an attitude like that, I hope your CRB check follows you around for the rest of your sorry life.

i personally dont think you will be excluded but then im not an expert isnt there a law council or can your colledge uni find someone who can advise you like a student counciller?
Who need's a Solicitor who cannot curb her temper !.

I am afraid she needs to grow up.
Takes one to know one I think Bravo1. You sound like a mindless thug. They should have kept you locked up for longer you idiot.

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Will I still be able to qualify?

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