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Good Idea ?

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brionon | 12:39 Sun 07th Jun 2009 | News
13 Answers
Blair =Scot =Flop. Brown = Scot = Flop. Let's elect David Cameron; born in England But Scots on Both sides of his Family. Sound like a plan ?


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You may not have liked Tony Blair won 3 General elections so he couldn't really be classed as a flop.

I didn't like Thatcher, but I could not call her a flop.

It does indeed look like Cameron will be the next Prime Minister. Is it about time he told us what his policies are, or will he reveal them when he is PM?
The Labour Party put Scots in charge for one reason only - to try to dissuade Scottish nationalism and appease Scottish discontent after years of Thatcher / Major rule which Scots had consistently voted against.

If Brown and his Scottish cabinet cronies are flops (which I don't deny), it's not because they are Scots.
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Gromit-It depends on our definition of the word ''Flop'', doesn't it ? Blair was an Erzats Socialist who was really a Religious nutter ,He took us into a Stupid,unnecessary War,and,what is worse I don't like him. So,to me ,he's a Flop. To be honest I don't Really dislike Brown but he is hard to Like ain't he.

I never liked Blair, and we didn't really know he was a religious nutter until it was too late.

Thatcher also took us into an unnecessary war, but she with the deaths of 255 of our troops were able to win it.

At the moment, it looks like Cameron will win by default, because the public are fed up with Labour, but they Tories have been terrible in Opposition and seem frightened to reveal what their policies are.
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Gromit-I agree. Is this a first ?

Apart from a very thinly veiled racist slur against Scots, why choose to be so selective in your opinion of what constitutes a "flop"?

You don't need to go much further back to find others who were PM who could fairly be classified as bigger "flops" than those you've so "carefully"? selected:

John Major and James Callaghan spring readily to mind. And there are more where those names came from!
Cameron would be very foolish to reveal too much of his planned policies too early, as every good idea he has proposed so far, has been appropriated by Labour. If he's playing his cards close to his chest, I don't blame him.

So Brown is stealing the Tories' policies and the country is in a mess. And the answer is more Cameron policies (if they exist)?
Blair is religious but he hardly seems to be a nutter, unless you think anyone religious is a nutter (as some do). His role in the Iraq error seems to be due more to a desire to suck up to the USA than to any wish to launch a crusade.

I'd be very interested to know of one "good idea" of Cameron's which Labour has "appropriated?". Please enlighten my obvious ignorance.
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Anb even if they have,if the Tories have the interest of the Country at heart and Not just their own interests they would be pleased that a good idea was being used.
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Racist ? How many Englishmen are there in the Scottish Parliament ?

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