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Car insurance refund?

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EdohEdoh | 14:21 Sun 22nd Aug 2010 | Insurance
2 Answers
I had a car insurance policy with Quinn Insurance until October 09. I had 2 outstanding claims, one from when I was with a previous insurer (July 07) and one from when I was with Quinn (March 09). Since cancelling my Quinn policy, both claims have been settled in my favour.

Quinn are now (finally) issuing my new no claims certificate to reflect the settled claims, but should I also be due a refund on my policy for either or both of those claims being settled in my favour?


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Quinn should now give a refund of the difference between whatever they charged you and what the premiums should have been with the No Claims discount intact.

Write to them for a refund and if they don't pay, invoke their complaints procedure, although you must remember that they are regulated by the Eire authorities and you cannot go to the UK Financial Ombudsman Service.
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Thanks very much for your help, I've emailed them now asking for the refund.

I'm now hoping that things aren't complicated further because they're in administration, but when has insurance ever been simple?!

Thanks again,


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Car insurance refund?

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