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Home Insurance

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porkchop | 10:59 Fri 05th Aug 2016 | Insurance
3 Answers
My Home Insurance is due shortly and i am shopping around.
I received my renewal quote from my bank who have an agency agreement with ZURICH who are my current insurer. Using all the exact same details i checked online and received another quote from Quote Devil who also act for ZURICH. I then went directly to the ZURICH home insurance to get a further quote.
Needless to say i received different quotes from the three companies even though the final insurance rests with the same insurer ie; Zurich. Also the highest of the quotes i received was the one i got when i went directly to the ZURICH insurance site. What is going on!


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Happens all the time. I rarely renew- if I don't go elsewhere I can always get a better price by signing up with the same company as a new customer
We use Nationwide and they throw in free travel insurance if you have a current account with them.
this happened with my car insurance....nice helpful man sighed and said no idea why this happens. He said would honour the lowest quote provided I could give the quote ref.

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