She was due yesterday, so not really overdue at all, but I find it strange that his head was engaged as of last last Thursday and she's been having contractions since last Friday, yet he's still not coming out.
My question about being induced was just a general wondering.
The placenta has a 'shelf life' (for want of better words!)
The placenta would stop being efficient and the baby would be at risk, they wouldn't let her go too much over due as it isn't good for mum or baby overdue!
My first was 10 days late and was fine. I was convinced he was going to be a week late anyway (didn't believe the doc's estimate). He did look overdue, his skin was a little wrinkly and he had really long fingernails!
you dont have to be induced, you can defy medical opinion and chhose to wait for nature to take its course but that can be a high risk.
As andrea said, the placenta will start to fail when seriously overdue and baby can then suffer, it will lose weight at the very leats if not getting the right nutrition. Placentas can fail at any time during pregnancy, not just when overdue.