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Changing Title Deeds In Scotland

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annominous | 16:46 Mon 04th Mar 2013 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
I live on a private road which is a cul-de -sac. There are nine other households that have a right to use the road. It is the only access to their homes. Each home-owner owns the section of the road that fronts their property and according to the title deeds, each owner is responsible for maintaining only the section that they own.
I feel that this is an unfair allocation of maintenance as my section of the road is at the front so all the other households and their visitors, deliveries and the bin lorry go over my section without any obligation on the others to pay a penny towards its upkeep. Also, I never drive over their sections. It is also the longest section of the road, 70 yards long, although my house and garden is no bigger than the others, because of the way that the houses have been laid out. Surely it should be divided equally between all and would there be any chance of changing the title deeds (in Scotland)?


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I don't know but I think your neighbours would be reluctant to agree to any change that was going to cost them more money
didn't you already know this when you bought the house?
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Hi sandyRoe
Many thank for your reply.
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Hi bedknobs,
No, we did not know about this when we bought the house. I have looked at all the documentation attached to the purchase and no mention is made nor was any verbal reference made to this burden, either by the lawyer (now deceased) or by the surveyor. We did not pay much attention to this 'lane' as we thought it was as we had another access to our house.
Thanks anyway for your reply.
if there is nothing in your written documentation, that seems at odds with your statement that it's in the title deeds. You should have been made aware of this - did your solicitor work for a firm? if so, you may have comeback with them
so if it wasn't in the deeds, who told you this and what proof did they have?

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Changing Title Deeds In Scotland

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